Health Benefits

Broad Health Benefits of Borax: Versatile Natural Solution

Broad Benefits
Posted by Fran (Greer) on 12/20/2017

It's wonderful. I only use a pinch. No more hard agony menstrual cycles. Nails are so hard. Skin so clear.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Art (California ) on 04/24/2017 2271 posts

In reply to Jeanette (Québec, Canada),

You say that you mix one teaspoon of borax in a litre of water and then take only a half teaspoon of this mix per day. There are 405 one half teaspoon doses in your liter of borax solution or more than a year of daily servings. A teaspoon of borax on my digital scale is roughly 4 grams or 4,000 mg. Divide this number by 405, the number of servings from your one liter bottle of borax solution to find out what your daily dose of borax is. 4,000/405 = 9.8765 mg of borax per day. Borax is 11.3% boron which is thought to be a main active component that has the antiarthritic effects. So you would multiply your daily dose of borax, roughly 10 mg and multiply by .113 to find out how much boron you are getting per day. This comes out to 1.13 mg of boron per day.

Dr Rex Newnham who is thought to be one of the research pioneers who helped establish the effectiveness of boron for arthritis said that some people could get by with a maintenance dose as low as 6 mg of boron per day once they had achieved remission or great improvement.

Ted on the other hand recommended 1/4 teaspoon of borax for men and 1/8th teaspoon for women per day. Assuming an 1/8th teasppon of borax is 500 mg, you would multiply this number by .113 to see how much boron is in an 1/8th teaspoon. 500*.113 = 56.5 mg of boron per dose.

For myself, through trial and error, have determined that Ted's dose for men is my minimum effective dose at 1,000 m of borax or about 110 mg of boron per day.

Are you certain about the dose and bottle size you are taking to see benefit?

I ask because, had I read your post before others and decided to try borax at your dose or even double or triple your dose, I would have come to the conclusion that borax does not work for me. I wouldn't want someone to miss out on the potential benefits of borax because they used an ineffective dose for them. I fully agree with the idea of starting low to make sure you can tolerate borax or boron, but once tolerance is determined, proper dosing per individual is very important!


Broad Benefits
Posted by Stella (Groningen, Netherlands) on 09/17/2011

I am a 48 years old female in relative good health except for chronic pain due to repetitive stress injuries. I have been taking D Sodium Tetra Borate now pretty much daily since June when I found out the organic farmers in Haway were supplementing all living things to protect from radiation. I pretty much eyeball an 8 of a teaspoon using the handle of a spoon or a fork as a shovel, anyway this to say that therefore it's been now 3 months and I have absolutely no complaints. Immediately I started feeling better. I find the tap water * no fluoride where I am * tastes better with borax and is easier to drink. I quit for 3 days once and I swear my chronic pain got a lot worse. My lungs have never been happier and my sinusitis is gone. Seriously I feel it's doing me a great deal of good. The first day I took it sure I was a bit light headed and kind of sleepy but nothing unpleasant or anything and after the first week it no longer happened.

I am one of those people super sensitive to chemicals, I can't even take more than 400 mg of Ibuprofen in a given day, and cannot take it for more than 2 days without severe intestinal complications, same goes for a lot of what doctors prescribe, in fact I had to switch to making my own colloidal silver because antibiotics were just totally disrupting my body, I haven't touched an antibiotic since 1998. I also occasionally make chlorine dioxide for internal use * sodium chlorite mixed with citric acid = Cl2O * and can tolerate it also well :) hope this helps... do not dwell in hypochondria, seriously how can you trust people who condone things like Artane, Risperidol and Prozac to name a few??? and allow the sale of hydrogenated oils and fats for human consumption not that it would be ok to give it to animals...

Anyway, I will continue my experiment and listen to my body, because my body tells me everything, so if the situation changes I will come and update, I would like to find more info on the rate of elimination for example.

Broad Benefits
Posted by mandandi (Gaborone) on 10/26/2019

Sounds really good.

I had similar results with 1/4 teaspoon of borax in 1 litre of water too. But I was way too infected with parasites so I did the following to really attack the pesky things:

1. Applied tiger balm daily to twice a day to my whole body for many months(close to a year I believe), mixed with 20 to 40 drops of oil of oregano, 20-40 drops of clove oil, 20-40 drops of tea tree oil and 2 tablespoon of olive oil.

2 make another mixture of the above oils added to 1/4 cup of black-seed oil to take orally with a teaspoon once or twice a day, NO Tiger balm and tea tree oil in this mixture please.

3. Took 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons of charcoal in water to absorb toxins in my body.

This is really important since the parasites release a whole lot of toxins the body cannot easily remove naturally.

4. Boiled and took a mixture of parasite killing herbs like cloves, wormwood, golden seal root powder and walnut leaves.

Do this until your tongue turns pink, if your systemic infection was really bad. This might take months to years. Don't give up. Additionally, drink green vegetable juices at least once a day.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Teresa (Oh) on 05/31/2018

IMHO 3 mg of boron is useless. Search YouTube for Dr Jorge Flechas videos on boron. He recommended to my dentist that I start with 90 for 3 months then dropping to 60 for 3 months. Then dropping to a maintenance dose of 30. Every time I decreased my knee started hurting. I had to wait six months for each decrease. I have put off knee replacement for three years and still going. Every time my RA flares up, I up my dose. Currently I am taking 150 mg to combat osteoporosis. According to Dr Flechas this is the dose his wife needed to reverse her osteoporosis. And My RA is doing great.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Seriously (Us) on 04/08/2023

I have stopped and started it several times without issue. It's just a boron supplement. My favorite thing about it is the wild dreams.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Crissypoo (Orem, Ut) on 01/11/2014

Ummm...the brand, Twenty Mule Team Borax, is 99.5% pure Boron, and the other .5% is simply other minerals that were mined in the process of mining the Boron, which are good for us as well. Just go to WalMart and buy a box in the laundry isle, and smell it to make sure it has not been tainted by other laundry detergents, which may have been shipped with it. It'll cost you a whole $3 bucks and some change. Companies selling so called "food grade boron, are just out for the almighty dollar, pretending to make an already perfect product better. Come on people...let's use our heads. I've been using it for four months, for my LUPUS AND FIBROMYALGIA, and I'm amazed and so happy about the results. Here they are;

1. Almost no joint pain anymore. Can walk up and down stairs, all over S.D. Zoo, and then some. Used to only be able to walk about 1/4 mile, and then pain would be so bad, like knives stabbing the sides of my knee joints, I'd have to limp home.

2. Less depression, better mood, everything seems brighter, and I have a better outlook on life.

3. Increased energy?? Well, enough to not only START back at the gym, but WANT to start back at the gym, after years of inactivity, and I am now lifting more than some of the men there!

4. Sex life? Yes, WOW...that's all I'm saying.

5. My body temperature is no longer like the weather in Utah (constantly changing). I no longer sweat to death after climbing stairs, getting out of the shower, or running through the grocery store.

6. Night sweats minimal now.

7. Able to quit two of my lupus meds, methotrexate and one other that I can't remember the name of, and, I was able to taper my prednisone down from 20 mg to 5 mg. Going to go off prednisone completely within the next month

8. Drastically reduced whole -body inflammation. Sternum, lung, and rib pain almost non-existent. Headaches very rarely.

9. My heart palpitations and skipped beats are less frequent, and less severe.

10. There are probably many other benefits which I am forgetting, but the benefits I've listed are awesome!!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Precisely (Mineral Hill, New Mexico, Usa) on 05/19/2013

Hi TrudyG and all others suffering from insomnia,

I also have opposite reactions to pharmacy drugs, OTC & Rx. Three things have helped me ENORMOUSLY, and all of them don't seem to be mentioned in this thread:

First, taking a nightly capsule of organic borage oil, regular dose, an hour before bed got me deeply asleep, deeply dreaming, and very calm/confident-feeling the next day. It does take about 3 weeks for most people to have results, although I seem to recall it was more like 10 days for me. After a while I ran out and forgot to take it, only remembered while reading here.

Next, I got an inversion table. You can set it so that you start with a relatively low angle of inversion, by tying the strap underneath--say, 20-30 degrees for at least 10 minutes. That feels like plenty to me. If your heart is lower than your feet by 17 degrees, apparently the lymph glands release and clear. Other benefits I've noticed: practically no asthma, NO INSOMNIA, back pain decreased and overall well-being increased. Not to mention, better circulation.

However I am forgetful so the latest thing I take is borax. This is actually covered in depth at

In my case, I was looking for help with my out-of-control restless legs syndrome, which, on the first day, diminished almost to nothing (now my Requip prescription of. 25 mg is more than sufficient, where before even 1mg spaced throughout the day barely controlled it. ).

Now I take the borax right before sleep, and I sleep deeply and w/o interruption for 8plus hrs. And I wake up feeling crisp! Also my asthma, which had me audibly wheezing prior to the borax, is slowly disappearing. It's also a fabulous detoxer, and is anti-microbial and perhaps also alkalining too.

At first I took the Borax in the morning, but after 3 weeks, it started to make me very sleepy so I switched to bedtime. It's very fast-acting--one minute I'm lying in bed wide awake, wondering when it's going to start knocking me out, and the next minute, I'm so deeply asleep I haven't even noticed I was getting sleepy, it's so immediate a response.

My friends who are also taking borax find that they have more energy. I MAY be feeling more energetic, but the stuff still knocks me out, so experiment on a laid-back, no-driving-etc-day to see how it affects you.

The other reason I was taking borax is that it balances the whole body's hormone, endocrine, and glandular system over time. I've been taking it now for at least 3 months. I've increased my dose to a tablespoon (from a teaspoon). Just last week it seemed to me that my post-menopausal dryness was no longer an issue. I intend to continue taking this forever.

Oh yes, another borax good result: my neighbor, 70 yrs old, fell off a horse and broke 2 ribs. Since he won't go to doctors, I gave him some borax. He says his ribs healed fast, and with much less pain than the other times they have broken.

Dosing excerpts from midway through the link at beginning of this post:

Firstly, dissolve a lightly rounded teaspoonful (5-6 grams) of borax in 1 litre of good quality water* free of chlorine and fluoride. This is your concentrated solution. Keep the bottle out of reach of small children. (* I''m using distilled water)

Standard dose = 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of concentrate. This has 25 to 30 mg of borax and provides about 3 mg of boron. Take 1 dose per day mixed with drink or food. If that feels right then take a second dose with another meal. If there is no specific health problem or as a maintenance dose you may continue indefinitely with 1 or 2 doses daily. "

(elsewhere in my reading people taking the borax-in-water cure seem to take it for 5 days, stop for 2, then start again for 5 days, off for 2 days, and so on. )

"If you do have a problem, such as arthritis, osteoporosis and related conditions, menopause, stiffness due to advancing years, and also to improve low sex hormone production, increase intake to 3 or more spaced-out standard doses for several months or longer until you feel that your problem has sufficiently improved. Then drop back to 1 or 2 doses per day. "

BTW... Trazodone HCL does work for my insomnia. At first I had to double-dose but now I can take 1/4 pill and that will also knock me out.... But why bother when borax is much safer and helps with so many cures.

Last I would like to thank Joy and Everyone about mentioning the water cure. I think adding the right salt will help w my frequent urination, thirst, and allergies. Had forgotten that histamine is a dehydration response. Beginning to wonder if I was developing diabetes. Would diabetes show up in a hair sample?

Many Blessings!

EC: This wonderful feedback on borax was originally posted in our insomnia section here:

Broad Benefits
Posted by Wanda (TX) on 02/07/2023 33 posts

Going on a carnivore diet helped me with all of that! Especially broth with unflavored gelatin! It's the “glue” that keeps you together (my grandmother always said)! Now I'm strict carnivore! Love it!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Becky H (WA) on 02/20/2023

My son went on an all meat diet and his psoriasis cleared up. Nothing else worked.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Dee (Work ) on 02/07/2023

The same with me! I stopped taking borax. My knees hurt so bad and I remembered I wasn't taking borax and went back on, and my knees stop hurting in around a week!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Evelyn (Wien) on 09/05/2015

I had surgery as an infant at both ears otitis media. I am female 58 years old. 20 years ago it began to give problems with severe tinnitus, which is a strong buzz that never stops in my head. Are there any reports of experience with borax or other alternative means what can be done?

I'm on Borax now 5 days and can sleep better, my severe back pain are completely gone and I have a wonderful skin baby soft. My water to clean with precious Shungite stones from Russia to neutralize all the pollutants out of the water and cause fullerenes (antioxidants and minerals) these stones never discharged and have a very high carbon content, they are likely to come from a meteorite because they only exist in a single place in Russia. I bought them in my home country of Austria at Greetings Evelyn

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jacqueline (Devon) on 10/24/2017

You are taking way too much. If you're taking it in 1 litre of water every day, you should only be adding 1/8th of a teaspoon. If you are making a litre of concentrate, this is 1 teaspoon in 1 litre of water, but the daily dose is NO MORE THAN 3 TEASPOONS of this concentrate, starting from a dose of 1 teaspoon a day and working up. Please read more on this before you do yourself harm.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Michael (Sydney, Australia) on 06/28/2014

Just thought I'd add a line or two to document the ongoing strangeness that is my borax experience. My teeth have noticeably whitened. I haven't read anything about teeth getting whiter so I'm a little confused. Has anybody else experienced this? Also, regarding the accelerated weight loss, has anybody else experienced anything similar? The only thing I'm doing is taking borax and also rubbing on a little magnesium oil daily.

As for the dilution instructions above, I thought I should let you know that it came from an article I found by a man named Walter Last. The article is titled "The Borax Conspiracy". There's some interesting information in this article, including instructions. FYI - The website I got it from made my browser throw up a warning. I printed it to a pdf and it seems to be ok, but you should exercise due caution.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jamie (Nottingham, Notts) on 03/19/2008

Hi, Just want to add that I use sodium tetraborate often. I am using it to successfully treat myself for candida, I use it to dilute my dishwasher powder 50%, the same with washing powder, clothes smell fresher and towels dont have to be boiled !!. I mix the powder with sodium bicarbonate and use it on my carpet several hours before hoovering and it removes the stale smeels that build up over the years, also sprikled in the bin before hte bag goes in to stop nasty smells - this works extremely well. I also use it over my body occasionally before i have a shower - My skin feels and looks healthier. What a great product.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sunny (India) on 07/31/2023

The following remedy not only fixed multiple symptoms after taking covid vaccine but also improved my appetite.

1) Morning:

  • Triphala Powder 100g + Borax 5 g (mix it together) -- 1/2 tsp.
    (Borax is available in Ayurveda as Tankan Bhasma)

2) Afternoon:

  • Lithium Carbonate 300 mg (Lithium is an OTC medicine in India) -- 1 tab

3) Night: 10 drops each of following homeopathic drops.

  • Valeriana Officinalis Q drops (Q indicates Mother Tincture) -- 10 drops
  • Alphalpha Q drops -- 10 drops

I generally give a break of 1-2 days after taking borax for 2 weeks.

This helps purging the accumulation of borax to a harmful levels.

The above remedy has reportedly worked for cancer and several other body conditions.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Art (California) on 04/07/2023 2271 posts


I've been taking borax for well over a decade and have stopped for months, several times with no problems. Now I take it regularly to get all of the benefits that borax may offer. I did however, see a friend who discontinued borax at her doctor's request for well over a year and when she started taking it again, it no longer worked for her osteoarthritis.


Broad Benefits
Posted by Jean (Louisiana) on 10/25/2020

Good old fashioned 20 mule team borax in the laundry section of a grocery store or hardware store.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mary (Mi) on 08/29/2018

I started reading about ingesting borax and was kind of afraid at first but I've been using a 1/8th teaspoon in a bottled water (liter of water, to which I add more water as I drink it) every day except weekends. I think it has given me more energy, which is why I am keeping it up. I recently fell outside and twisted my ankle-but actually not a whole lot of pain (except when I first did it) and I was able to walk and work (and my work is standing factory work)-and I did twist it so that it swelled up and bruised. I don't know if the borax drink helped-because when I did it I thought I was going to have to call in to my work.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Patty (Texas) on 09/22/2016


Borax water. I would like to know more about your cleansing symptoms. I started drinking 1/8 tsp per liter. I noticed improvements in facial skin, healing, leg pain, and knees not popping the first week.

HOWEVER - Day 6, I became immediately nauseous and very hot while volunteering (planting flowers). I had to leave after 2 hours because it happened 3 times. Then I had to make a trip to the bathroom-very loose evacuation. Was wondering if the magnesium supplement they suggested while drinking borax water may have had more punch than normal from the Borax. I was dumping water on myself to help cool down and since I was with a bunch of older women, joked that it must be my first hot flash that I've been warned about for the past 5 years. (I'm almost 50).

What symptoms did you incur? And is 6 weeks a standard time table? I have no idea what to expect. I'm very tired

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sylvia (Vista, CA) on 07/26/2023

Twenty Mule Team Borax - in any grocery store! It is called a washing soda in some stores- found in the laundry detergent aisle. Been taking on and off for hashimotos/arthritis/gout for yrs-my Rheumatologist agrees! Some on EC have suggested 5 days on and 2 days off.

EC: Washing Soda (sold by the brand Arm & Hammer) is sodium carbonate, which you can make yourself by baking sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) for 30 minutes, so people should carefully not buy washing soda thinking it is boron-containing borax. Here is a box of washing soda on Amazon.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Lisa (Canada) on 04/23/2023

Thank you so much. I had terrible plantar fasciitis and had tried everything. I read your post, took a pinch in a glass of water and within 30 minutes had no pain. Can't wait to see the long-term effects!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Art (California ) on 04/25/2017 2271 posts

Hi Jeanette,

Good to hear your experience with borax.

I have a friend who has severe RA and she tried borax at the 1/8th teaspoon dose and it caused severe itching so she tried going down to just a very small pinch of borax in a glass of water because it was helping her arthritis. Even at the small pinch dose, the itching was just intolerable for her.

Eventually I got her to try boron to see if it might also work, but without the itching. Well, she was able to take the boron which she started at 36 mg per day and it was starting to reverse her RA symptoms with no itching, but in the 2nd week or so, she started noticing that she was becoming very depressed which is way out of charachter for her. She decided to decrease her dose down to 12mg of boron per day, but the depression persisted so she went down to 6mg/day which was one capsule. All the while her RA was improving, but even at just one capsule per day, the depression became too much and she had to stop taking it altogether.

Eventually I will let her know about the calcium fructoborate which is derived from plants and she if she wants to give it a shot or not. This would be more like the boron you would get from food and perhaps she will be able to tolerate it. It's nowhere near as cheap as borax, but if it works for her RA the way that boron did and it doesn't cause depression, it will be well worth it.

Clearly borax can have effects on hormones, but it seems to be a very individual thing.

Boron based supplements are usually in the 3 to 6 mg range which is considerably more than you are taking. To get a lower dose you may have to take some type of multi supplement that will have other things in it beside boron.

You didn't say that you have you or are you just taking borax for the mental clarity aspect that you mentioned? I wish it did that for me!


Broad Benefits
Posted by Timh (KY) on 06/30/2014 2048 posts

20 Mule Team is the brand most often used for health purposes, and found at many retail stores.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 11/28/2017

Try wetting your feet, rubbing Borax into them, and putting socks on over it. You can leave it on all day. When I do this the muscles in my lower legs are noticibly more relaxed.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Daniel (Fresno, California) on 04/22/2016

Just wanted to say--those little white things you see... I have them also- and my theory is--borax-- removes the calcification--the glands get calcified and other organs and the white flecks are calcified remnants the borax is detoxing and removing

Broad Benefits
Posted by Helena (london) on 02/07/2023

Hi Dee,

How much borax do you take per day?

Do you dissolve the powder in hot water first and then drink or place the powder on tongue and wash it down?

When do you take your borax doses during the day, I.e. first thing in the morning and before sleep or at noon?

When do you take your doses in relation to meals, I.e. 30- 60 min before a meal and or 2- 3 hours after a meal on empty stomach or right after a meal or during a meal (like sprinkling it on the food)?

And could you please post the link from where did you get your borax? Not all borax products are the same... I tried some without success... your borax source obviously is genuine and works.

Thank you

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tom 70 (Auckland, New Zealand) on 04/19/2023

Boron and antioxidants complex: a new concept for the treatment of kidney stones without rigorous pain:


Clinical data

One investigator has reported the use of boron supplementation in approximately 30 cases to facilitate dissolution and/or passing of urinary stones with minimal pain. Boron was supplemented at 10 mg/day with and without additional antioxidants for 2 to 60 days. Boron was well tolerated without observed side effects.(Naghii 2014, Naghii 2013, Naghii 2012) In the absence of a control group, it is difficult to attribute these results to boron.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Pat (Ottawa, ON ) on 06/24/2023

Magnesium, you gotta take magnesium with the borax. Glycinate is a good one I think. Much like how some will take a bath with borax and Epsom salt (magnesium) and along baking soda is good to add to the bath as well. A good general rule of thumb is that if stuff is feeling 'stiff' or 'backed up' or 'tight' or anything like that in any sense throughout the body, there's a good chance taking more magnesium will help 👍

Broad Benefits
Posted by Shanti (France) on 10/26/2017

Feeling emotional may be do to heavy metal releasing and die off symptoms.

Broad Benefits
Posted by John (Holland) on 07/20/2016

Please could you give me some more info about how and how much you used, which brand and purity level? I really hope you will answer because this is of great importance. John,

Broad Benefits
Posted by Kyle (Canada) on 04/04/2016

I gave my dad my nasal drops. This was a prescription. He sprayed it into his ears as they are always itchy and ringing for the past three years. He even had a surgery. Well I said try it and he says he's been cured ever since. The spray was 50mcg of mometasone furoate aqueous nasal spray. Came in a bottle that contains 140 metered sprays I believe two sprays in each ear twice for two days was all he needed. He is in his 70s.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Ken B (Scotland) on 03/11/2018

Hi Daniel,

I have only been taking Borax for 4 days. Yesterday I started developing an itchiness around my lower legs, just above the ankle ( this are tends to get itchy for me sometimes, maybe an allergy? ), but I am just thinking that this is the Borax "working" and this is a small reaction, as I anticipated, but I will monitor it. Last night I had several visits to the bathroom, not diarrhoea, just a bit of a clean out. Now luckily I had read your post last night earlier on, as one of the movements was loads of tiny white "flecks" almost like Sesame seeds, and I thought that was weird as I hadn't eaten anything that would come out like that in the past few days. Then I remembered your post! ............. Wow, I am convinced that is what it was, either that or Candida coming out? .............. but I would tend to agree it is probably lots of Calcium deposits being expelled. Today I am feeling great and the itchiness in my lower legs has noticeably reduced. I am having a day off Borax to let everything settle down again, but I will do it again for 5 days next week. What amazing stuff this is............... And thank you again for mentioning the Calcium thing, or I would never have noticed.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Antoine (usa) on 07/23/2023

Hi Sue,

May I ask you for the link from where you bought the borax you use?

I firmly believe that there are huge quality differences between borax products. The ones I tried/used did not work, the one you use is obviously genuine/real borax since it works for you and in such a short time as well.

In how much warm water did you dissolve the 1/8 teaspoon of borax approximatively?

Thank you very much

Broad Benefits
Posted by andi (ireland) on 03/21/2023

That's wrong! 1 teaspoon is about 4 gram which is 4000 milligram. So, a third tsp is about 1400 mg and not 140... cheers

EC: David's calculation is more or less correct. The confusion is borax powder vs boron. Borax powder is about 11.3% boron, meaning a ¼ teaspoon contains approximately 113 mg of boron.

Therefore, 1/3 teaspoon of borax contains approximately 150.67 mg of boron.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jacqueline (Houston) on 08/31/2017

I believe that emotional response is called a herxheimer reaction / my daughter 22 who is now recovered from Lyme experienced them when killing pathogens because they release toxins. My guess you are killing bad stuff so it's actually a good sign. It wasn't really funny but she would start crying at a sad part of a movie - even a cartoon, and couldn't stop/ she would laugh through her tears. Other times it was pretty horrible all that she went through - good luck!

Broad Benefits
Posted by G (South Australia) on 04/09/2016

I'm not sure about flushing out fungus - someone with more knowledge on that could better advise you.

However, I add one level teaspoon of Borax to one liter of water and use that as my concentrate, from which I take 20mls, twice daily, in a glass of water. Lesser amounts, I found, didn't seem to have any effect on my system - but then again, my body has been very ill for just over ten years, so perhaps it takes a bit more for someone like me.

As for hair loss, have you tried dispensing with commercial hair products and instead, using your Borax 'Concentrate' to wash your hair with? (You can make up a separate bottle of the concentrate for washing hair to leave in the bathroom.)

Of course, it doesn't lather, but it does feel slippery when you pour it onto wet hair, so you know where it is when you touch your scalp.

Just let it sit in your hair for a moment or so (or you can 'scrub' if you like as you would with shampoo), and then rinse thoroughly.

After that, rinse with the same dilution of citric acid in water (1 level teaspoon in 1 liter of water) and pour over scalp and hair.

Rinse out the citric acid 'rinse' - and you're good to go.It's a lot less fuss than commercial products and a lot less damaging to scalp, hair, eyes and skin.

Broad Benefits
Posted by G (Sydney, Au) on 06/18/2016

@Michael: Yes, I experienced weight loss, which I wasn't expecting - but the weight I'd gained was the result of a disease that normally makes people lose weight (I had to be the 1-in-10,000 who gained it - ugh!).

I wasn't even noticing that the weight was falling off until about 2 weeks after I began taking 20ml of the concentrate in a large glass of water, 4 x a day - I had other health concerns that I was focused on healing at the time, so the weight loss was a very pleasant and unexpected bonus.

Very happy to say that the weight has remained off and I'm still taking the same amount of Borax daily.

@Les: I bought mine online from some shop in Qld but I'll be purchasing from Blant's from now on.

Here's the link if you're still looking:

Broad Benefits
Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico) on 08/31/2023

Hi Leo. It doesn't matter when you take the Borax, with food or not. I take my 1Tsp by dipping my index finger into some Borax and then dunking it into my drinking water, then drinking away. The Brand does not matter, not at all. I have never had a problem with ingesting it with a meal either Y'dont have to overthink it, just make sure to get it into your body daily. It should be in the veggies you eat grown from our soil, but for some reason isn't nowadays.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 01/22/2014 2048 posts

Suffering from extreme pathogen toxicity I got desperate and Liposomed Borax by the same method as Vit-C. This method proved way more effective in comparison to a half cup in a hot bath. I drank 2 2oz glasses of Lipo Borax for aprox 2 months whereupon I reduced to 1 dose daily and now almost only one dose every other day. I also fallow the Lipo Borax w/ Lipo Vit-C w/ very good results. This combo protocol seems to be, at least theoretically, a very powerful anti-cancer treatment.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jennysmom2 (Idaho, US) on 06/04/2014

I would appreciate any comments on this. I am a 50 year old women that is estrogen dominant and have candida. I am 30 pounds over weight, that will not budge. I also suspect low thyroid, as my basal temperature is in the low 95 degree range in the mornings. I have been taking the ACV with baking soda and 1/8 teaspoon borax daily for a week now, I was previously just taking the ACV and baking soda. I have had a slight headache, which is unusual for me. I have been feeling great with a lot of extra energy and a much more positive attitude and outlook on life. The most exciting part is that I am losing about 4 ounces in body weight each day. I was hoping someone could comment on this. I will continue this routine, as I think it will greatly improve my health.

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Posted by Middlebunny (Jersey City, NJ USA) on 03/23/2008

Ailments: Fibroid, eczema and Meningioma (brain tumor)

Remedy: Blackstrap Molasses and Borax Cures

Do they work? Maybe

I have had eczema occassionally for years. I'm not sure of the cause. My dermatologist used to prescribe elocon cream; however, this is no longer on the rx formulary for my health plan and too expensive to purchase without insurance. I began putting 1/4 teaspoon of borax (laundry soap) in 1 liter of water and drinking this while at work. I'm not a water drinker so I rarely finish the whole bottle and don't do it consistently (4 days on and 3 days off) as Ted recommended. Despite this, the eczema seems to be improving substantially. It is no longer itchy and seems to be fading away after about 6 weeks.

I was diagnosed with uterine fibroid tumors in January 2003 and have been avoiding surgery. In 2006, a reproductive endocrinologist advised me that the fibroids had expanded my uterus to the size of someone who was 6 months pregnant. He scheduled me for a myeomectomy (abdominal versus vaginal) which I later cancelled. I wasn't comfortable with the doctor nor did I want to spend 2 months recovering. In 2007, I was also diagnosed with a meningioma on my right optic nerve close to where it intersects with the left optic nerve. Because of the location surgery wasn't possible so I did the recommended 6 weeks of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy. This apparently has stopped the tumor growth but triggered a whole host of other problems (loss of taste sensation, more eczema, hair loss, exhaustion, black spots on my tongue, etc., etc) which is what led me to the website.

Thanks to Ted and the other contributors to this site, I have found out that my body is acidic (5.9ph) which might explain why I had such a bad reaction to the radiation. In the meantime, I have been trying a few of the remedies with enough success to make me realize that modern medicine isn't always best for every health condition.

I have been taking Blackstrap Molasses since I first stumbled on the website about 5 months ago along with ACV and Baking Soda. I'm not very good at taking them daily since I forget, I have increased my intake of vitamins and supplements. I take a multi-vitamin (after breakfast of instant oatmeal) every workday with the ACV/BS in glass of water(before eating). My GYN prescribed Ponstal to contol the unbelievable bleading during my periods which come about every 21-24 days from the onset of one. I'm still in the phase where I only have about 5 days a month with no bleeding or discharge but I think this is improving. I went through some sort of healing crisis last November and thought I might have to be rushed to the hospital due to the uncontrollable bleeding but since then it has improved. The Ponstal must be taken with food every 6 hours so I generally do that for the first 4 days of every period. In addition, I take about 1-2 tablespoons of BSM in the morning before work and 1 after dinner at night while I'm taking the Ponstal. I seems to be reducing the bleeding and shortening my heavy flow days from 7 to about 4. It is difficult for me to say for sure that the BSM is the reason for my improvement since I'm doing a lot of cures at once. I'm also taking a garlic tincture that someone made for me which is supposed to help dissolve the fibroids (this is garlic cloves with vodka which sits refrigerated for 2-3 weeks, drained and then taken orally with a dropper). I also don't take that consistently either. You are supposed to take 25 drops 3 times a day (after the 1st month where the # of drops vary). I generally only take it in the morning and occassionally at night. To avoid smelling like garlic all day, I brush my teeth with baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and floride-free toothpaste, then drink water with a teaspoon of chlorophyl. I ususally do this every morning before work but have reached the point where it seems to give me gas later on during the day so I'm currently taking a break from the garlic tincture (2 weeks so far) until my stomach can handle it again.

I would really like to know what Ted thinks of my remedy experiments to see if they should be modified in any way. If any of your readers have suggestions, I would appreciate those as well.

Thank you, MB

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Posted by Greg (Queensland) on 11/24/2023

People have been asking about the specifics of the protocol. However, the person who wrote this won't reply to these comments because his comment as noted above is: This comment is from Earth Clinic's Borax for Arthritis video page.

I followed the link to the video page, it took me to youtube, and also youtube have deemed this content as breaching guidlines.... incredibly sad isn't it, that borax has been demonised by big pharma and all others must comply.

EC: Yes, someone who doesn't like borax reported the video a couple of months ago even though it had been up for years, and they took it down.

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Posted by susan (buffalo) on 05/28/2024

Try lysine (500 mg twice a day) along with iodine (2000 micrograms to 12.5 mg) once a day. The pain should clear up in about 5 days. Then take both lysine and iodine for three weeks more .I think personally frozen shoulder (unless caused by an injury) is caused by a virus. The lysine/iodine combo should put the virus into remission. In my case I still had the "frozen" part of the shoulder still when the pain went away. I had to gently work the "frozen" shoulder out which took about 2-3 months.

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Posted by Ali (Wales) on 10/26/2019

Are you taking adequate magnesium? Borax & Magnesium work in tandem. Boron helps to mobilise calcium, especially inappropriate calcium deposits, but it needs to be ‘orchestrated' with Magnesium. It's worth taking some K2 also. And getting your Vitamin D level checked.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jeanette (Québec, Canada) on 04/29/2017

Thank you for your reply! I am taking borax for mental acuity and bone health. I will update in the future, but I suspect that borax will be a better supplement for me after menopause. In the meantime, I have decided to take a few teaspoons of borax solution just once a week instead of every day. That small amount appears to be enough boron for my body at this time.

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Posted by Nicole (Ny, Usa) on 07/25/2016

The nausea I have experienced has been from the detoxification effects of Borax. I find that taking chlorella when the nausea comes on stops it immediately.

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Posted by Hollyhock (America ) on 04/19/2023

Please look up the lemon juice and olive oil method to dissolve kidney stones. It's here on earth clinic and it worked for me!

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Posted by Sheila (Ky) on 11/03/2018

Teresa in Oh, wonderful news! How are you doing? How many tsps is in 150 mg please? I have arthritis in my spine from a failed Lumbar fusion! I am currently taking a very small amount of borax and want to increase my dose! Your post convinced me!

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Posted by Jane (Uk) on 07/04/2020

Am I to understand that BORON is very deficient in our food chain? I guess it is an obvious question and I do wonder why...well I know agriculture is not good pesticides and they do not put minerals back into the soil usually, even sometimes I think organic people do not completely understand how to look after the soil correctly?

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Posted by Michael (Sydney, Australia) on 06/27/2014

Yes, I do store the borax dilution in the fridge. Not sure if it's necessary, just seems prudent.

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Posted by Jennysmom2 (Idaho) on 06/28/2014

I asked the same question about weight loss a few weeks ago, and no one replied, so I am answering you now. I am/was taking the borax, (1/4 teaspoon) in water daily. I was losing about 4 ounces of weight per day. This lasted about a week or so and then I stabilized. I gave myself a break from the borax and just continued drinking ACV and baking soda. I am going to start the borax again and hopefully I will continue to lose weight, as I would like to lose 20 pounds. I have not noticed a whitening of teeth, but would not be disappointed if that happened! Would love to know how long you have been taking the borax. Perhaps I should get some magnesium oil. Please reply on your progress.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Michael (Sydney, Australia) on 06/29/2014

Hi Jennysmom2. Happy to reply. Hope it helps. I've been taking borax for 1 (one) week, that's why I'm so surprised at the progress. I tried borax once before with less success and at a higher concentration. Could that account for greater success this time?

I've been trawling the internet looking for answers but haven't found any. Just seems to be the same info going round and round. The most scientific information I've found seems to be the paper by Walter Last that I mentioned previously. Sorry to be of such limited help. For now, I'm monitoring myself as closely as I'm able and taking note of gains as they happen - so far no losses. I'll try to keep posting here of any new developments and hope that helps you and others.

Ultimately I'm hoping to reverse my osteoarthritis. If that happens I think you'll hear me! As mentioned before my knee pain is pretty much gone and I intend to give it 3 months before I go to the doctor to request another x-ray. I guess then we'll see what, if anything, has happened to the structure of my knees.

As for weight loss, I seem to have plateaued too. No idea why so, no help there. I've just added iodine into the mix so now that's; borax, magnesium oil and iodine. I read somewhere that these are complementary and I know from here that iodine can influence weight loss. Guess I'll find out soon. I'll let you know how I go.

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Posted by Ken (Hampshire, Illinois ) on 11/12/2018

Get a gallon of distilled water from store and use that. It's as pure as you can get.

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Posted by Urs Christen (Queensland) on 06/10/2016

Hi Les, I am in Brisbane, I buy the Borax at Coles, it is all the same, it doesn't have to say for internal use, in fact they are not allowed to say that it is because the big Pharmas could lose money in Europe it has already been removed from Supermarket shelves!

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Posted by Tcoffey (Syracuse, Ny) on 01/21/2014

For all of you who use Borax, I've always wanted to ask, why not just take a Boron supplement? I've seen them online. I'm sure you have your reasons and I would be interested to hear them. Fascinating stuff! Thanks!

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Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 06/22/2020 507 posts

I wouldn't take a "boron supplement" because it's a trace mineral and everywhere - except, apparently, in modern foods. A capsule or pill could contain just about anything as long as it has some boron in it. And the liquid supplements could be anything or even just spring water. If you want to take a pill or dispense from a dropper bottle, make your own. That way you know exactly what's in it. Aside from whatever might be in the material used to make the capsule.

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Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 03/17/2014

This is very interesting. I am looking forward to trying this Borax. I just went to the local store and picked up some up. I am building my courage as I read these testimonials.

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Posted by Loretta (Suwannee ) on 04/06/2023

I have read the reviews, once you start taking borax, 5 days on 2 days off but it doesn't sound like stopping is an option? People seem to feel reactions when stopping

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Posted by Alicia (Indiana) on 04/18/2023

Interesting on the kidney stones! I am curious if that would help me as well.

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Posted by cc (NY) on 05/29/2023

"I avoid all gluten, starch and sugar"

I wonder how much of your success is this vs the Borax? I tend to also do too many things at once and then can't pinpoint exactly what the 'miracle" is!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Marn (Ontario) on 05/20/2021

Joey, congrats! I'd like to start this regimen. Can you share exactly how much borax and magnesium you're taking each day and in what form? E.g., is it borax dissolved in water as per Earth Clinic video or another form? Thanks so much!!

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Posted by Shawn (Iowa) on 12/20/2021

For the 73 year old person that feels 37.. Could you please state your dosage and how you use borax, please?

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Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe ) on 07/14/2019

J.D., I don't know about borax side effects but nightly applied Castor Oil on the eyelids might clear them up.

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Posted by Jacqueline (Devon) on 10/24/2017

Borax doesn't increase hormones, it balances them.

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Posted by Private Matter (North Carolina) on 10/13/2016

I just started the regiment of 1/8 tsp. in 16 oz. of water two days ago for a general tuneup. I can barely notice any difference in taste of water. Anxious to see the effects. Some minor side upset stomach. Large bowel movements lasted two days.

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Posted by Denise (Vermont USA) on 04/01/2021 24 posts

This subject of boron and borax is very interesting. In regards to the lack of boron in foods you were asking about, I think it is due to not using our effluent in the soil and not burying the dead in the soil where we grow food. I have a friend who made a mix of his effluent (urine and stools), left it in the sun (covered) for 6 weeks then used it on his crops and miracles happened, that knocked everyone's socks off. We are missing out on all this and polluting our waters by dumping our effluent into the sea. We are supposed to be intelligent creatures but one would wonder sometimes. Cheers!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Karen (Michigan) on 03/09/2017

I am new to Borax cures. On Earthclinic's home page was a video. She explained the dose for men is 1/4 tsp per quart of steam distilled water and for women it is 1/8 teaspoon. Try increasing your dose to 1/4 teaspoon. Best wishes.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Angela (Los Angeles, CA) on 06/29/2014

Can you please tell me where did you get borax. I was looking on amazon and only see borax for detergent powder. I did not see any borax that we can take it internally. Please advise where to buy borax

Broad Benefits
Posted by Timh (KY) on 06/04/2014 2048 posts

To reduce estrogen take DIM, Evening Primrose Oil, and L-Methionine supplement. To improve thyroid function take Kelp and Coconut Oil.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jennysmom2 (Idaho) on 06/05/2014

Thank you for your comment. I guess I am just wondering if the rapid weight loss is from the borax. I am down 4 pounds in a week from my previous low weight. (weight varies a couple pounds a month due to cycle.) I have lost 1 inch on my stomach and 1/2 inch on my hips. Previously, my weight would not budge. Additionally, I have no more soreness on the sides of my thighs or breasts. (A sign of estrogen dominance.) I guess I am just wondering if the rapid weight loss is from the borax? Killing the candida, lowering my ph, balancing my hormones, or all of the above. I really haven't read anyone say anything like this before. Also, I really can't figure out exactly how much boron is in 1/8 teaspoon borax. If someone could tell me, I would appreciate it.

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Posted by Dana (Sc) on 07/29/2020

If you want to research Nattokinase to clear fibroids, magnesium citrate - removes calcium deposits around fibroids, and iodine shrinks fibroids.

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Posted by naturelover (orange county) on 08/11/2023

Hi Sunny,

First of all, Thank you for posting.

I recently watched a documentary by Dr. Jorge Flechas on Boron and Health.I was most impressed by natures elements (Boron) for providing a possible natural remedy for arthritis pain in my knees, shoulders, and mental clarity. After scouring the internet for a recommended internal supplement-product (preferably powder based so not inside a capsule-making it go directly into my system)with the different options/types I am now left uncertain of what brand and in what form to take. I have bought the 20 Mules Borax at the grocery store for years and used in my wash and as a cleaning agent; it cautions and warns on the label against taking it internally. Please confirm the the borax -boron you are taking internally is the 20 Mules Borax detergent from the grocery store- just taking in a small dosage of 1/8 tsp. in a liter of water? I am so happy that you have found some relief.

Thank you for sharing. Cheers to health

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Posted by Jean (Deutschland) on 04/23/2023

I suggest you take magnesium. Helps for cramps and balances excess calcium. Plus taken at night, it helps to relax and sleep better.

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Posted by EggBiscuit (southern USA) on 10/27/2019

Hi Mandandi-

These remedies you are writing about, they are for lichen sclerosus? Or something else?

EC: Parasites.

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Posted by Yvonne (California ) on 02/02/2021


I was wondering how did you capsules of borax. Please share in detail.

Thank you.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Peggie (Mesa Arizona ) on 06/28/2021

I wonder if borax would help heal my pancreas?

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Posted by David (Brisbane) on 01/05/2021

1/3 of Tea spoon = 153.7 mgs boron

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jeanette (Québec, Canada) on 04/25/2017

Hi Art.

Thank you for your response. Yes, I am sure about the dosage. I tried Ted's dosage for women at the beginning but cut back to the much smaller dose after a few days because it was causing the same emotional state (exactly the same, not more, not less) and I wanted to see if a smaller dose would work. So then I tried 1 teaspoon of the saturated 1 liter solution for a week, same reaction. I then took a few days break and tried half a teaspoon dosage. I do understand it is a very small amount of boron. Next I will buy a boron supplement and see if the same thing happens.

To clarify, the "emotional" state I am talking about is exactly the same way I feel a day or two before getting my period, lol. Things just upset me more than normal during that time. It's usually only a day or two, but now on borax it's daily, which is hard! I thought boron was supposed to increase estrogen and progesterone, but maybe it is having a different effect on me?


Final 6 days of your cycle: Estrogen and progesterone plunge

As estrogen plunges during this premenstrual week, it can trigger moodiness, sadness, irritability, muscle aches, insomnia, headaches, fatigue and a wide variety of other PMS-related symptoms. Not every woman suffers from premenstrual syndrome and symptoms can be milder or more severe from month to month often due to diet, stress, medications, exercise habits or your body's personal sensitivity to hormones.

I wouldn't call what I experience any of the above like moodiness or sadness or anger, rather that an injustice, of which there are many lately in the world, will make me upset. I don't feel this intensely normally, just when I drink borax. A hormone blood test would be very helpful to know what is going on. I wonder if there is a lab test you can do at home to test hormone levels?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tyson (Bracebridge) on 09/16/2017

Look it up, borax can have a balancing effect on your hormones.

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Posted by Mike (Tn) on 11/25/2017

What made you try this for your dad. I'm curious. I've suffered from tinnitus for 30 years. Along with vertigo like many of us we've tried just about every thing and nothing works...the doctors here won't subscribe it just on my a little insight might help thanks

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Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/26/2014

Michael, do you store the solution in the refrigerator or not needed?

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Posted by Les (Mackay, Australia) on 01/04/2016

hi Michael I'm in Australia too and I was wondering what brand you use of the borax and where you buy it thank you. Love earth clinic.

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Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 01/22/2014

Boron alone won't kill the infection. Boric acid is also what is needed to kill the infection. Once the RA infection is killed then one can try supplementing with boron only for preventative and see if that keeps things at bay. One should take some magnesium with borax since a lack of magnesium could render the borax protocol ineffective.

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Posted by Kelly (San Luis Obispo, Ca) on 04/26/2010

Hello Victoria,

I was so excited to read your post. I am about to start the same protocol you outlined in Jan. I wanted to know a few things if you have a minute. 1) did you have any side effects 2) do you still feel great today and 3) did you change your diet in a significant way. Glad to hear you no longer want sweets. I avoid them but still crave them. Thanks for your help. Kelly

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Posted by Jack (Columbia, Tn) on 01/26/2016

The headache you are experiencing is from taking to much at one time, I think? I've had the same thing happen to me. I backed off a bit because it gave me diarrhea .... It did seem that after I ate a good meal thus replenishing the nutrient's in my system the headache went a way.. look up "hexrheimer."

Broad Benefits
Posted by Erika (Grand Junction, Co) on 11/24/2013

I'm a big fan of garlic too. I hate to taste it with out it being in amazing food. so when I take it I just crack the head of garlic and get the little cloves and swallow like pills. I can hardly taste it and it doesn't seem to give me bad breath. I've had some tremendous success with using essential oil on balancing hormones.. Just something to look into in the future. God bless your efforts, you're on the right track taking your health back into your hands.

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Posted by Agnes (Oregon) on 01/11/2016

If you're still having bleeding issues (I realize this post is very old), Chaste tree 1st thing in the morning 5-6 am daily will normalize all female hormones and periods in 3 months.

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Posted by Diana (Rome, GA) on 02/23/2023

Thank you for your post. What are the dosages you use and frequency. Did you experience adverse side affects at any time and needed to adjust or take a break?

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Posted by yoly (españa) on 05/13/2024

hola yo quería preguntar para hombro congelado se toma o se pone en el hombro o las dos cosas....? gracias

Hello, I wanted to ask about frozen shoulder, is it taken or put on the shoulder or both....? thank you

Broad Benefits
Posted by Whistling Dixie (North Carolina) on 10/24/2020

Can I mix and drink liquid Magnesium and Borax together in the 1 litre jar? Elisine, I'd love to hear more if you have more to share. Thank you!

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Posted by Glynis (Ireland) on 10/24/2020

Where can you buy Borax to take, please?

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Posted by Gail (Medina, Oh) on 12/12/2020

How much Borax daily with the 400mg of mag. daily for arthritis?

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Posted by Sue (Brisbane, Australia ) on 05/11/2021

Thank you for taking the time to help others by diarising your health journey.

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Posted by Mary (ARKANSAS) on 04/04/2022

I would love to get an update from you and any more pointers for my daughter.

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Posted by Casey (Enterprise, AL) on 07/08/2023

How much did you put into the capsules and how many capsules each day?

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Posted by Tessy (Pennsylvania) on 10/06/2023

Rhonda, I am very happy to hear you no longer use your asthma inhalers. I too have asthma and I hate using inhalers. Also, possible COPD. I am wondering if Borax would work for me. I started with a pinch in my tea today. Chronic Bronchitis is another issue. I figure I would give this a try. Thank you.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Stu (Naples, Fl) on 06/26/2018

1/4 teaspoon in how much water? Do you have any idea how many mg's you are taking? Are you taking it after eating it on an empty stomach?

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Posted by Peggie (Mesa Arizona ) on 06/28/2021

Is it okay to put Borax in a gel capsule and swallow it? Instead of mixing it with water and drinking it ...

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Posted by Michele D (Massapequa Long Island) on 03/01/2023

How do you know how much borax to put in a gel capsule

And what borax do you use?

Broad Benefits
Posted by john (london) on 11/01/2021

Hi David,

Could you please elaborate how much borax in what way(capsules, diluted, sprinkled on food, morning, evening etc.)did you and your father take etc?

Thank you

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Posted by Debbie (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 08/04/2016

Hi, I've had severe tinnitus for several years and also have Candida overgrowth and Lupus.. Pse can you tell me what the actual prescription name is for the nasal drops your Dad used in his ears.? I'd really like to give it a try.. I'm taking it that this was prescribed for you by your GP in Canada.? I would like either the name of it or the compound that I could give to my GP to get some made up for me via a prescription. Thank you so much.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Brent (Georgia ) on 08/06/2016

50mcg of mometasone furcate aqueous nasal spray, is sold as NASONEX® (mometasone furoate monohydrate) Nasal Spray, 50 mcg

It requires a doctor's prescription and is made by Merck.

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Posted by Parveen Mittal (Chanidgarh India) on 06/29/2014

Please tell the procedure to use Borax to reduce the weight.

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Posted by Africa (Spain) on 05/27/2015

Hello from Spain, excuse my bad English. I want to take borax also but I have a little problem - all the mineral waters I can find in Spain have chlorides and fluorides. For the first 7,4mg/L, for de second 0,4mg/L. May I use that water to disolve the borax or not ???

Thank you for answer.

Broad Benefits
Posted by leo (london) on 08/30/2023

Hi Michael,

Did you mix the teaspoon concentrate doses in water or did you just ingest the teaspoon concentrate undiluted?

When did you take the teaspoon doses in relation to meals?

Did you take it away from meals on empty stomach or poured it on food and or right after meals?

How much water you drank generally during the borax days?

Also, can you please post the link from where did you buy the borax powder, fortunately the borax you bought works... lots of borax powders do not work...

Thank you

EC: Sorry, Michael's post is from 2014 and he is unlikely to reply.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 01/21/2014

I take borax on empty stomach. Borax tastes "soapy".

Mixing it with random food makes no sense. If people are doing that, I could imagine all sorts of digestive problems. Never heard someone use the word "metallic" to describe it. If taste is not palatable, just dilute it with more water.

I think the chances of toxicity is extremely low. I think one should distinguish between first time user loading dose (i would say around 3 weeks) and long term dose.

I think the loading dose can be higher but Ted's just trying to err on the side of caution just to be safe. One should review the symptom list for boron toxicity and just be aware of it. That should be enough to keep one out of trouble, if it should happen, you will be right on top of it.

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Posted by Ivone (Edmonton, Alberta) on 01/19/2016

Increase Iodine in the winter. We tend to consume less if it during winter and skin depends on it to stay smooth and moist. Dry skin is a symptom of Iodine deficiency, says Dr. Jorge D. Flechas.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Raquel (West Palm Beach, FL) on 07/23/2009

Hi Middlebunny, by what you say it could be that you have a systemic fungal infestation so besides the things you're doing perhaps you should follow an anti-candida/fungal diet. It can't hurt to try, you would know whether it's making a difference or not during the first few weeks anyway.

I've read that since garlic can kill bad bacteria it can also kill the good ones so maybe that's why you were having gas, maybe you could alternate its use with taking a good probiotic or eating a good plain yogurt every day.

Since most of the damage to our health due to fungi comes from the mycotoxins they produce I recommend that you take several grams of Vit. C and 100-150 mg. of zinc each day, these nutrients have the ability of neutralizing different types of mycotoxins. Other antioxidants, vit. D, selenium and calcium have similar activity too (taken from

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