I have tried everything under the sun including numerous antibiotics, that always seemed to make it work. With doctors lack of knowledge makes it that much harder. I have been a repeat BV forum hoping the next time I'm on someone will have found something new. Low and behold, I have combined a couple things, the only things I haven't tried just to overload it and wipe it out. I think I finally have!!
Ok... So Before I went to work I took a tampon saturated it about 20 drops of Tea Tree Oil. I did not use an oil base, just the tea tree. (has a cooling effect for a while, that is normal) I kept it in for about 4 hours and took it out. That night when I got home I inserted a 500mg Vitamin C before I went to bed. I woke up and douched with natural Apple Cider Vinegar.
It has been 3 days and absolutely nothing! No smell, no discharge, no gunk. I am so relieved, I will be using this method once a week just to maintain. I am deathly afraid of it coming back so I am taking no chances.
I know how frustrating and depressing this condition is. I really hope this works you ladies, again, I have been suffering from BV for about 10 years. This is truly a miracle!!!! Let me know how this works out for you, I hope to hear many success stories!
Multiple Remedies
1. Stop drinking coffee. For some reason, this has always started problems when I drink coffee for a few months, then bam! I stop drinking coffee (along with a few other things, and no BV for years). Why I never learn and eventually go back to drinking it, I'll never know.
2. Good quality, refrigerated probiotics. The room-temp probiotics on the shelves never did anything for me. You must get the expensive refrigerated (fem, vag, etc.) stuff (over $20). Locally, I go to "the vitamin shoppe" to get mine.
3. vitamin C. also try vitamin D, zinc, and folic acid. These are cheap and you should prob take them anyway. I also hear Iron, but don't know... I am often low on Iron on my blood tests, so makes sense. Take Iron with Iodine to prevent constipation. Try to cut sugar and carbs too.
4. Important event? buy "RePHresh" over the counter. No smell! But it will come back in a day or two. I hear boric acid is similar temporary effect. Just helps with PH.
5. Douching with hydrogen peroxide may work well if you catch it right away, it had for me, but if it is gone too far, or re-occurs, it won't work.
6. In regards to cleaning....The smell literally didn't wash out of me undies with reg detergent... get a natural detergent, like 7th generation, works much better. I also like to clean my bathroom with "bac-out". You can try putting a few drops of tea tree oil in your tub too, if you like to take baths like I do.
Dietary Changes
Use tampons and buy cottonelle wipes! Keeping the blood away will help. Also I keep the hair region very short. Just keep scissors for this purpose, and clean them with alcohol wipes every time.
NEVER re-use your towels!! I actually feel better when I dry off with the hair dryer anyway.
Take vitamins. Mostly time release C. The brand doesn't matter. You do need the sustained (or time) release, tho and I thought with rose hips helped.
I take the cheap garlic supplements in gel capsules from wally world, but I take 3 or 4 instead of one and twice a day!
I take turmeric twice a day (wally world) and neem seed also. I had to get the neem capsules at Family nutrition, but I think they might be good.
Stop eating cheese and dairy for a while ( I mean a few months), and when you do start back, keep it to just a small amount and NOT every day. Avoid sugar! And for sure, no artificial sweeteners! Stop consuming alcohol (that's a sugar) except I think red wine is not so bad, there's a balance somehow in that.
Omygosh NO BEER. Believe me I know this from experience.
And NO BREAD!!! This is pretty hard, cuz it means no subway unless you get a salad. And NO pizza, till you get better. Then only once a month.
I am 60 now, and it's over. Mainly because of no sex and no menstral cycle. Been over about 10 years now. Maybe only 5 yrs idk, Just soooo relieved.
I wore a panty liner daily. I feel the wicking away thing helps greatly. I still wear a panty liner daily!
Take pro biotics! I had a whitish tongue for years.
it's almost pink now, but I have to take the probiotic every day. I also had to do a diet yeast cleanse. Lost 15 lbs, because the first few days are clear liquids only. Then only one green veggie. Later I made myself stir fry with a lot of fresh ginger, garlic, and onions. No coffee (thats a bummer, but caffeine WILL help any yeasts bond to your system.) Get rid of any dark colored fillings. I had them replaced as they needed it, but if you can afford, get them out! And do not eat tuna or salmon At least for a while. Mercury is a bonding agent for Yeast!
Wash off all fruits and veggies and I even wash the "pre washed" bagged salad. Do not put anything in your mouth that you think might not be washed off.
Avoid antibiotics, unless you just cannot get well.
If you are on antibiotics. Take probiotics in-between the drugs. Like a few hours after your meds. To put back the Good bacteria that gets destroyed! Drs will tell you this now, but they told me it was hogwash in the 70's and 80's. I did it anyway (most the time), glad I did!
If your tummy is rumbly or you have gas, you better get on my program!
Then take the probiotics (lactobicillious, acidophiulus, or both) They should come in a dark glass bottle. Best if you can find a health store that keeps the LIVE cultures in the fridge. Keep yours in the fridge, even if you buy some that was on the shelf. Lately I take Probiotic 10 which I found at vitamin world. It was not refrigerated, but I store it in my frige.
Work out!!!! I love Zumba (mainly becuz I have the best trainer on the planet, She is highly motivated and it's contagious) while you are dancing there will be little or no symptoms, Or at least that's a great mind trick. You have got to sweat! So get moving!!!
Avoid chocolate, I know! But at least for a while.
Treat this as a body invasion! It is! Do a cleanse of some type. Starve the thing to death!
Cilantro is a natural cleansing herb and if you can eat some every day, it'll sure help your body regain it's immunities. It will also keep arthritis away!
If you can afford it, get a vitamix. Or at least a nutribullet.Even if all you use it for is green grapes with a little fresh parsley and some ice, you will be getting amazing cleansing.
If you have a sinus/allergy problem, do use a saline rinse, but I have been able to quit that, by using an alcohol wipe in each nose cavity twice a day, then a swab with a qtip of tea tree oil in each side. Amazing, no drip or odors. But I have to do that every day. I guess we breathe in all kinds of stuff. TTO is a natural antiseptic! You can get that at wally world, too. Get the pharmaceudical grade.
I had to stop eating corn. Wait till you read the labels of all the stuff you eat. Most of it has corn oil. I guess that is a cheap filler. I developed an allergy to corn, so no pop corn or cornbread (this tough here in the south). I stopped eating catsup and bottled pasta sauce, and bottled salad dressing. Instead, increase your olive oil and coconut oils.
I try to only drink bottled spring water. All kinds of parasites live in your faucet.
Keep the faith!
Multiple Remedies
Reread what you wrote please. I think the pH goes up and not down with veggies. Don't let me put out words for you.
Multiple Remedies
So what I did was I started drinking a glass of baking soda water first thing when I got up, and right before I go to bed at night. Now you have to do this carefully. You only want to drink baking soda water (8 oz of water with 1/2 a tsp of baking soda) on an empty stomach. This is very important. If you drink baking soda water with food in your stomach, it interferes with your digestion, and this is very harmful and can cause other problems; so only drink it an hour before you eat something, or 4 hours after -- longer if it is a really big meal.
But I did this religiously for a month and had no BV. But that still didn't fix my diet. So I had to research online the low acid diet. Now I don't mean you have to become a vegan, far from it. Some vegan diets are too grain based. Yes, even whole grains are acidic; it doesn't matter how healthy they make it sound. Yes all grains, wheat, rice, oats, all grains. Again I don't mean you have to give them up completely, just make sure you eat more vegetables than you do an acidic food like grains, sugars (including fruit) and meat and dairy.
Aloe Vera and Cranberry Juice
Hotep (peace)
Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil
Was this all you did?
thanks, tulane
Personal Care Products
Coconut Oil
-avoiding sugar.
-using a mix of Apple cider vinegar and water as a douche and feminine wash.
-a homemade suppository of coconut oil mixed with the contents of an acidophilus capsule.
-daily probiotic supplements.
These things helped but didn't solve the problem. But since I began oil pulling I no longer douche, and I save tons of money because I no longer have to take tons of probiotics every day. What a huge relief! I hope this helps!
Liver and Gallbladder Flush
I have discovered a cure for BV. I suffered from it for 4 months after unprotected sex. It wasn't STD. It was not going anywhere until I did what I suggest here.
BV is fundamentally a problem arising from body's pH imbalances. You need to get your vagina ACIDIC to make it healthy and keep the infection away. (Inserting something acidic like Vitamin C powder or vinegar or yogurt is NOT the permanent solution.)
I tried many remedies suggested here on this site for BV which worked temporarily to be symptom-free. But not cured. It came back shortly after stopping the remedy.
KILLING THE BACTERIA WORKS TEMPORARILY, in most cases. Because, Bacteria is NOT the problem - they are everywhere. Healthy state of the body keeps them harmless or we all will perish from infections instantly. You need to know body has to have proper pH balance and different acidity/alkalinity at different locations. When we lose this natural balance, problem happens.
Also, ADDING good bacteria ALSO WORKS TEMPORARILY in most cases of chronic BV. Why? Again, because the cause is still there. pH imbalance.
Ok, so how we restore the natural pH balance FAST?
One very effective way is to do a series of Liver/ Gallbladder Flush, suggested by Dr. Hulda Clark. There are many websites with detailed instructions on how to perform this.
One IMPORTANT THING I MUST ADD is, absolute necessity to do Parasite Cleanse prior to doing Liver Flush. At least 2 weeks of good parasite cleanse is necessary. If you have a "Zapper" (electric device that kills off all parasites), you can put it over the liver area over night. (Move it if it ever starts to tingle or sting, or it can burn your skin. I normally am ok with over night zapping there without any problem). Also, you can take parasite cleanse herbs like Paratrex sold on the internet. If you don't do this, you won't get nearly as good results when you do the liver flush. Microscopic parasites live inside your liver and everywhere in your body. And they secrete sticky thing that make them stick inside of liver and gallbladder. They will prevent things getting cleansed and flushed out of your liver. After parasite cleanse, when you do the liver flush, you will definitely see stuff (stones and waste materials) coming out of your liver/ gallbladder. Sounds nasty, yes, but you want that out of your body. Then your liver will start to perform more optimally. It detoxifies waste, which is ACID in nature, and the body just KNOWS how to do its job properly - balancing itself out! (My theory for this).
Please try the Parasite Cleanse and Liver Flush to cure BV for good.
I bought all new, cotton underwear. I do not wipe after urinating, but blot my area dry. I do not use soap around my vagina anymore. I clean with water and if I feel that I need extra cleaning, I spray my vaginal area with watered down lemon juice from a spray-bottle. I finish my warm shower with a cold shower, for increased blood flow.
I cut out most sugar and most wheat (yes, I was eating a lot of this; with the 'spit' test, I tested mid-range for candida). I do not eat too many fruits. No juices. I drink copious amounts of fermented milk kefir and home-made coconut kefir. And I eat more fermented foods to blast my body with pro-biotics. I drink several cups of water with lemon juice. I take 2 spoons of the best quality coconut oil per day. No eating after dinner. I don't drink alcohol.
Supplements - I do not take a regimented approach but it includes:
One or two cups of water with some raw apple cider vinegar. Some liquid chlorophyll diluted with water.
1/2 tsp pure psyllium husks in one cup water in the evening to help flush out my intestines.
1 1mg folic acid per day.
1 probiotic for women per day.
1 -2 tsp good quality fermented cod liver/butter oil per day for Vit. D, which I think is crucial.
1/2 tsp of bentonite clay in 1 cup of water (I let it sit for several hrs. before drinking) at night before bed to help flush out toxins. 3 days on 3 days off.
I also used Goldenseal tincture for seven days.
Coconut Oil
So I tried again to get rid of my BV this time I took one weeks worth of flagyl (oral) and tried to change my diet by eating healthy. I had great results... Oh my goodness the smell is gone!!!!!! ...But then 2 days before I got my period (3 weeks had passed) I noticed a slight fishy odor ..by the time my period had ended the smell had fully came back (If not worse).
I felt hopeless I couldn't deal with this smell anymore. I started to look for home remedies : yogurt inserted into vagina , acidophilus via vaginally and oral ( If inserted at night smell would go away but would come back at the end of the day), working out ( sweat definitely aggravates it lol) and nothing worked!! I went to my gyn again who gave me 2 weeks worth of flagyl this time when it ended I added :
Yakult nonfat probiotic(Took once a day; usually found in the dairy department at a local store),
Greek yogurt once a day
Odorless garlic 1000 mg once a day
Cranberry caplets 300 mg once a day
Probiotic Acidophilus caplets 1 Billion Active Cultures ( by mouth and once a week vaginally if needed)
Thank GOD it has worked!!!! I think starting antibiotics to rid the bacteria and then starting a home remedy definitely helped a lot! I wanted to share this information with others because I have done research after research to find a way out of this misery. I HAVE BEEN BV FREE FOR 5 MONTHS!!!
If you can get your hands on raw milk, that makes it even better, but even homemade kefir or yogurt from pasteurized milk is still better than the store-bought stuff. Making kefir requires only milk and a one-time purchase of kefir grains for around $10. You can even make your own strawberry flavor by blending strawberries and honey into the finished product!
Homemade yogurt is also very easy and preferable to the store-bought stuff. You can use a few tablespoons of store-bought yogurt as a cheap starter or buy some starter and save a few tablespoons of yogurt as a starter for next time. A yogurt-maker does all the heating and cooling for you, but is not necessary if you're on a budget.
I encourage you to look up instructions online because I assure you it's very simple!
Multiple Remedies
- drink water with tons of lemon in it-- it makes your body more alkaline which helps you get back to normal
- drink cranberry juice
- drink Kefir I buy strawberry flavor from Publix
- drink danactive probiotic EVERY DAY; they are yummy so no biggy
- take acidophillus pills
- take a daily vitamin
- take vitamin C
- EAT HEALTHY, STAY AWAY FROM SODA, SUGARS ECT., eat veggies, try to cut carbs
- I also clean my vagina out with hydrogen peroxide which gets rid of smell and infection temporarily. Really hydrogen peroxide gets rid of ALL bacteria, but we still need the good bacteria in there so the trick, is to clean yourself out and then start eating and drinking right to get the good bacteria back in there. BV is basically a side effect of a weak immunity. If you don't take care of your body properly, it doesn't stand a chance against infections. BV is no fun, and staying healthy isnt always easy. If you are looking for an immediate cure, you're just not going to find one. Hydrogen peroxide is the closest thing to that but it's temporary. For me, I try to get my body in order the healthy way first, if it doesn't work, last case scenario I'll go to the doc for metro gel.
Multiple Remedies
Tea Tree Oil
Cold Showers
I have no idea why switching from warm to cold water has helped but results don't lie. Maybe warm and cold water has different pH? I know warmer water has more sediment in it so maybe cold is just..cleaner? Idk but it helps a lot and is really easy and free!
Multiple Remedies
Anyway, there's hope and a silver lining here because I get to share this with you.. over the past 3 days, I've seen great improvement with doing the following: 1. Limit sugar and carbs! Its tough, but the sugar feeds the infection. 2. In the morning before breakfast, take 2 women's RAW probiotic 3. AFTER breakfast, take a combo pill of golden seal and enchinacea. Then, take a garlic pill (got these at whole foods). 4. Carry multiple light panty liners with you. Change every 1-2 hours, it makes sure you are dry down there. 5. Drink lots of water. 6. Walk 30 min per day. 7. Wear cotton underwear and no tight clothes. This is working for me so far, and hope it helps you too!!!
Multiple Remedies
I'm back, as promised, with a semi-cure. I recently started taking Femdophilus probiotics, and it has helped immensely! It's not like other probiotics as it contains the strain Reuteri. If you get a probiotic other than Femdophilus, I recommend finding one with the reuteri strain. I take 2 in the AM and 2 in the PM. It works wonders. There is no smell, discharge, nothing. I am confident again, and have no embarrassment getting intimate with my bf. I would say that this is a cure, but every month, I am re-infected by my menstrual cycle. So it's really just something that helps keep the symptoms at bay. I have determined that my cycle is the main cause of the BV, though. Intimacy with my boyfriend can't be the problem, because I'm fine until my period hits. Then it's back to square one. At this point, I'm so exhausted with trying to battle this, that I've decided I'm fine just taking the probiotics each day, along with my folic acid, vitamin d and iron supplements. I try eating a lot of garlic, and drinking more water. Cutting back on sugar and carbs also helps, along with the HP flush, (if you need an absolutely IMMEDIATE solution). I also take epsom salt/tea tree oil baths occasionally, just because it's nice, and also just so happens to help with the BV nonsense. So there you have it...this is my cure...for now. I'll report back if I find anything else. :)
Apple Cider Vinegar
Also, do not use apple cider vinegar - only white vinegar, also very diluted or you'll have more tissue damage. The apple cider vinegar has natural yeasts/bacteria which can add to the problem instead of helping. Good luck!
Apple Cider Vinegar