2 User Reviews
Well I have found an alternative cancer treatment center in Spain which is run by a medical doctor that advertises drinking borax in water for candida as part of their comprehensive cancer treatments. So this information was very comforting that this is a treatment being used outside of layman healing.
(San Fernando, Philippines)
Hi Mable... There is quite alot of research available from the internet on borax or sodium tetraborate. Just type "Borax Health" in Google Search or go to Google Scholar and search there -- Google Scholar only searches scientific research, patents and journals.
Here is one piece of demographic research by Dr Rex Newham. He actually had chronic arthritis in his early thirties and used higher dosages of borax to cure his arthritis: www.rexnewnhamarthritiseducation.com/paper.asp
Since Ted has said that mycoplasma -- a fungal form of bacteria -- causes arthritis, it also makes sense that borax is probably also the ultimate fungal killer. I used borax as part of my own protocol to get rid of my candida and it worked very well.
The newer research has also found that mycoplasma is also frequently found in cancer cells.
All I did was type "mycoplasma cancer" in Google Scholar search and I got hundreds of research results. Mycoplasms are usually always found in cancer and leukemia cells and borax kills mycoplasma and candida so there is your reason why borax is useful against both candida and cancer.
The MSDS for borax also shows that borax has about the same toxicity as common table salt upon the human body.
(Blaine, MN)