2 User Reviews
Here is some good news. I know many amazing people who were diagnosed with 3 and 4 stage cancer and they are happy and living 20 plus years later. What did they do?
1. One friend had melanoma and was given six weeks to live. She immediately became a serious organic vegan. Did meditation and daily walks with her family.
2. I met a 60 year old woman at the hospital and the doctors told her she had a few months to live. She said, bull----... I have grandkids to raise. She changed her diet and is alive 25 years later.
3. Don't get angry or scared, get busy and heal your life and body. Forget what the doctors say, cancer is big business.
4. Expect to live and if you don't make it, become excited about your next journey. Humans are conduits of energy and we never die. Stop making dealth horrible! Its just another amazing journey, expect the best and be grateful.
Love you, Love-
(Lincoln, UK)
Hi, Love.
Yes, you're right, many doctors SHOULD have the word bull**** said to them, the way you said the lady did to her doctor. Cancer is definitely 'big business' for the corrupt Medical Establishment.
And yes, the actual nature of the event that's tragically been termed 'death' is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its wholly illusory, face-value mere appearance. We all survive (in our eternal, immortal, soul/spirit body form) the death of our physical body 'coat'. The soul that we each ARE has done what's wrongly termed 'die' many, many times before! Ie, when returning to the very real Spirit World from each of our soul's previous lifetimes.
There are many cures for cancer to be found in natural treatments. As readers of this site are fully aware...
Dietary Changes