Health Benefits

Early Cancer Detection: AMAS Test

| Modified on Oct 11, 2024

1 User Review

Posted by Ben (Bremerton, Washington ) on 03/01/2016

Imagine detecting the presence of cancer many years before it is even visible on a ct scan or mri. As you know early detection is very important. The sooner you know something is wrong the sooner you can start fixing it. A very simple safe and extremely accurate test can be done by your doctor. It is called the AMAS test. This test is very inexpensive, at only 165 dollars it may be the best money you have ever spent.

This is a chapter from the gcmaf book, an ebook which tells about the nagalase enzyme an immune system deactivator expressed by cancer cells and certain virus. The presence of nagalase by nagalase testing procedures is very important to proper immune function testing. A molecule called gcmaf activates the immune system to hunt down and destroy cancer cells. Nagalase shuts down that aspect of immune system function.

Recently doctors have given patients injections of this naturally occuring immune system activator, gcmaf. They have received astounding results in cancer therapy and to their surprise, even had a very high percentage of autistic kids recover from autism. It's well worth the time to read the entire ebook

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U BEN, , , , , , , , , , , glad you brought this subject up, however, you did not go far enough. The Nagalase test is not available in the US. We had to send our blood samples to Holland recently and learned that my wife has no cancer and confirmed that I do. The cost was $100 ea. There is also the Oncoblot test which I had done 5 years ago that showed that I had a blood cancer. That test cost $800. I then went on their CAPSOL-T for 7 months night and day. A DNA test then showed no signs of cancer. I took the Oncoblot test two years ago and it's back. This time I am treating it with The Budwig diet, Essiac Tea and my Rife Machine. So far I'm showing some slow progress.

You mentioned the GcMAF protein, but did not mention that it is outlawed in the US, and the lab in Europe that made it was destroyed by their FDA. Supposedly it can be bought from a firm in Japan.

The 6 integrative doctors that were killed, ( suicide) in Fla. and Ga. were using the Nagalase test and the GcMAF to treat stage I & II cancer successfully. The patient's own immune system was destroying the cancer. The medical community could not allow that to happen.

Also, your doctor cannot do the AMAS test. It has to be sent to a firm in Boston. I doubt seriously that a typical MD would send the test off. You have to use a Lab that they tell you to use. I am very familiar with this test.

Ben, as I mentioned before, you are very well read, but there appears to be a few holes.


Replied by Ben

Thanks brother, you are right about all that. big pharma wants this squashed out of existence. It is very difficult to find doctors who will risk their neck and medical license but there are a few out there who love people more than money. I talked to one of them about 3 weeks ago who had gcmaf available at his naturopathic clinic here in the us. Naturopaths are forced to kinda keep quiet about this unless they really trust you. The FDA is a monster who wants to destroy us if we let it (in my opinion). Gcmaf and nagalase testing is readily available at Mexican cancer hospitals along with more than 200 other cancer treatments we do not have here due to a lack of medical freedom. Glad to hear gcmaf etc has been working for you. Tot to spread the word about good things like that. We can't let the bad guys win.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U BEN, , , , , , , , , thanks for your reply. I would love to use GcMAF, but have no clue as to where to purchase it. You mention a mysterious doctor that has this, but can only see people that they trust.

I think you will help the people on EC more if you speak of things that they can do instead of things that are not available to them. You certainly have a great deal of wisdom. We just need to be able to use that knowledge. That's the way most posters work on this site.


Replied by Ben
(Bremerton Washington)

A wise man once said seek and ye shall find. Now if you need a little help finding a source or a doctor to administer gcmaf you might call Reno Integrative Medical Center at 775-829-1009 or call Dayspring Cancer Clinic at 480-699-7400 and talk with them. Maybe they have some advice where to go. Several Mexican cancer hospitals in Tijuana offer it too. Gcmaf is manufactured in several locations throughout the world. You can buy products off the internet and have your family doctor administer them if he is willing. One manufacturer is immuno biotech ltd. Here is their website , you will also find lots of info there including a sign up link to their email if you wish to be informed of new developments in the product .

There is now a second generation product that can be taken orally. It is called goleic. The first generation gcmaf had to be delivered by weekly shots. The new stuff you take under your tongue in a dropper bottle twice a week .

Several doctors have been murderd who were involved with gcmaf. The fda raided their labs confiscated all their documents and then they all had unfortunate accidents within a few days .

This information about nagalase, gcmaf and a few other things is going viral around the world . The drug companies will lose control of their empire if this hits every news stand, every health food store, every corner market. With delivery methods so simple a child could take it this will become the drug companies worst nightmare. Whoo hoo!

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn.)

HI U BEN, , , , , , , , , , , , don't get me wrong, I'm on your side, but you need someone to challenge you so that your posts can be used by us common folks. I really like this post because it gives me a trail if I need it.

Also, I'm glad you backed up my contention that these doctors were killed because they were curing patients of cancer simply by revving up their immune system. Their program only worked for cancer in Stage I or II. Our medical system only finds cancer when it is in Stage 3 or 4. That is the reason the Nagalase test is not run in the US. Our doctors would have no clue how to address early cancer.

Our economy is run by energy, but the next item is cancer. Cure cancer and you will close half the hospitals in this nation. We will go into a depression worse than the '30's.

I just learned of the goleic item that you mentioned. The one I'm looking at is from Switzerland and you mix with milk. It's not cheap, but is supposed to allow us old folks to produce our own GcMAF as we did in our youth.

Ben, I appreciate your attitude when I challenge your posts. If I don't understand, then I figure most others don't either. So keep posting as you are teaching us lots of stuff.


Replied by Timh
2048 posts

Thanks again for the input Ben.

The prevailing cancer causing theory is a compromised immune system, but I know from study & experience that it's not only the immune system but also the detox system. A healthy I.S. makes for a healthy D system and visa versa. The endogenous enzymes like SOD, Glutathione, etc remove most of the environmental toxins on contact and the immune system finishes the cleanup job.

In short, the answer to the cause of cancer is the prevention of toxicity. It is for this reason I embrace the Hulda Clark theory of cancer. Once heavy metals, solvents, or zenobiotics are established in tissue that are deficient in detox enzymes, then the severity of the issue is way too much for the immune system to handle. Then an otherwise minor threat by parasites becomes indeed a major threat because the body is not capable of removing it and it completes it's entire life cycle with the human host. With a clean body, the parasites cannot do their entire cycle. When this scenario is reached, a chemical reaction takes place and harmful growth factors signal cancer production (according to her theory).

Maybe I'm rambling but at least for a purpose. My mother passed with cancer in 2009 and since that time I have had numerous dreams concerning her situation at that time, most of which I am directly involved in her treatment. Given only a few months to live fallowing the initial diagnosis, she embarked on a Mennonite Doctor's advanced cancer curing protocol and did well for several months and lived nearly a yr but it was too little too late. If the cancer had been detected a few months earlier she might have survived. Anyway, these dreams involve all sorts of scenarios typical of that state of awareness. But only very recently my dream interaction proved a cure and my dear mom was all well a gain. Unfortunately I don't recall if I knew exactly what the medicine was, but my guess is that it was MMS.

MMS can directly perform all the actions of the disabled detox & immune function thereby detoxing heavy metals, xenobiotics, killing parasites & pathogens.

Another major cause of cancer which is again a plague of modern living ---STRESS. Stress has very harmful effects on the detox & immune systems.

As for the immune system specifically, LDN, Cannabis, and possibly Chaga Mushroom are top on the list of beneficial. Daily Iodine and regular zapping are also necessary for maintain health.

Last-but-not-least, recently more conclusive evidence that heat therapy can kill cancer. So, combine the alkalizing and the heat effects of the hot mineral bath, and looks to me like the very first thing to do after a diagnosis. All other treatments potential will increase with regular hot mineral baths. Important note for the bath is a few grains of Sodium Thiosulfate first and for about 15 minutes fallowing to help remove heavy metals from the water and the body.

Replied by Ben
(Bremerton, Washington)

Thank you my friend. Earth clinic is such an awesome blessing to us all. We have a place where we can share information unhindered by the world's drug company interests.

In my opinion we are kinda on our own in the search for knowledge. When doctors go through medical school they get such a one sided biased education they literally know almost nothing of natural cures for disease.Careful control of knowledge is what the drug companies want. they maintain their power over us that way.The less we know, the better they like it. Earth clinic threatens their power and their control by freedom of knowledge.

Here is an example of drug company biased information. I have a friend of mine who is a board certified oncologist. I was at his home one time and I asked him one time "Hey, Joe, why don't doctors tell their patients to take vitamins when they have cancer?" His reply was, "Well we are really not trained that way. " Hmm I said, "Did you receive any training on nutrition and how it applies to disease? " "Oh yes," He responded, "Absolutely!" "Ok, how much training did you receive?" "two weeks, we received a two week course in nutrition." I stood there utterly flabbergasted at the thought an oncologist could think himself ready to cure patients with cancer after a mere two week education on nutrition.

I had to watch my mom die of cancer in 1985. That lit a fire in me that still burns today. In my opinion we all have a responsibility to help each other. We are all connected. We are not separate individuals, we are family and should think of others kindly. Caring for them when we can. Its the only way to make this world we live in a better place

Replied by Timh
2048 posts

Ben: I think questioning MD's concerning nutrition & disease prevention or treatment is not wise, especially in an era of increased mandatory medical care.

Personally I see it's the MD's responsibility to treat my disease with their methods, and it is my responsibility to prevent those diseases with diet, lifestyle, and nutrition. Whenever I am asked by the medical staff or questionnaire if I am taking any nutritional supplements I get the hair rising on the back of my neck. Moreover they ask for me to bring all my N.S. at next visit. So for me, this would be a big job transporting large moving containers full of supplement and clearing my home of products that will need to be replaced immediately upon returning home. Can you see the problems here? My answer to which or what N.S. I am taking is "I take many N.S., too many to list here and not enough time".

In the end, part of our health freedom which could be defined in the Bill Of Rights is the personal choices of diet, lifestyle, and supplementation, and even pharma otc meds. Sure I am open & appreciative of dietary suggestion from conventional medicine and leave it at that, but the extreme case would be orders of which, or any, N.S. to or not to take.

The E.U. has banned a large chunk out of their dietary supplement industry putting health food stores out of or nearly out of business. Of course the supplements are available by dr prescription and manufactured & dispensed by big pharma. So, again in the extreme, would you want big pharma to take total control of all dietary supplements and make them available by RX only?

Natural Medicine and conventional medicine seem to mix as well as Government & Religion. It seems to me best to keep these separate entities in their own camps. Open & democratic exchange is encouraged but hostile takeovers NO, NO, NO!!!

Replied by Ben
(Bremerton, Washington)

We live in a society ruled by the elite. They look at every situation and manipulate it to their liking. We are losing the battle in health freedom. Not enough of us stand and say we are not going to tolerate this! Sadly, most find it more comfortable to sit and watch tv while the world passes closer and closer to a situation there is no turning back from where we have no health freedom at all. Everything mandated for us even if it is against our will. Take forced vaccinations for example. There are many who understand the dangers of vaccinations yet we are powerless to say no to forced school vaccinations. Are the schools going to care for our autistic kids? Are the schools going to care for those who develop autoimmune disease after vaccination?

And yes, the drug companies strongly wish to eliminate the competition to their drug empire.oUr freedom threatens their empire.

This is why it is so very important to spread truth while we still have a free internet. This is why its so important to learn about medicinal herbs you can pick in the forest or grow at home in your garden or flower pot. We can not expect the world to remain in freedom forever

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn.)

HI U Timh,,,,,,,,,,, wow, like this firey side of you. I agree because the MD's don't have a clue. My Indian MD the other day had never heard of EDTA Chelation. He said, " wish I had known this and maybe I would not have had my heart attack". Are you kidding me?

I can promise you that the readers of EC are light years ahead of MD's as far and good health is concerned. Their medical education ended when they got their degree. Not all, but most.

Saw on the Health Ranger site that the AMA is wanting to go back to the old days when Big Pharma could not advertise. That is wild and strange. How about also shutting down MD's and Lawyers. A breath of fresh air for awhile.
