Health Benefits

Cancer Treatment: Garlic, Cayenne Iodine Formula

| Modified on Sep 14, 2024
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Garlic and Cayenne Pepper.
Below, Balticseaviking shares his experience using a homemade remedy after being diagnosed with prostate cancer and dealing with high blood pressure. He crafted a formula including a cayenne tincture made with habanero peppers, a garlic tincture, apple cider vinegar (ACV), Lugol's iodine, tomato juice, purified water, and baking soda. He described the mixture as hot but pleasant and noted that they gradually increased the tincture dosage. After following this regimen, Balticseaviking reports clear scans and normal blood pressure.

1 User Review

Posted by Balticseaviking (La Ventana, Baja California Sur, Mexico) on 10/19/2010

I have been on HBP medicine for years and I was diagnosed with what the Drs. said was prostate cancer. I of course did lots of research and came up with a, what I call, my everything formula. I make my own cayenne tincture and a kind of garlic tincture. I use habenero peppers as they are the hottest I can find here in Mexico, if I could find hotter I would use them. Anyhow I take 5ml of the tincture, a tablespoon of the garlic, which is kinda like a tincture and is made the same way a tincture is made, two tablespoons of ACV, four drops of Lugol's Iodine, 8 ounces of tomato juice and 8 ounces of purified water, also a 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Mix it all until the foaming stops, drink it down. I find it tastes nice, hot, but nice. Of course I didn't start out with 5mls of tincture, I started with 2 and worked my way up. I had a cat scan and a bone scan last month, both came out clear with no indication of disease and the blood pressure is now normal. Bet you can guess what the Drs. wanted to do- right, put me on chemo and radiation. When I asked why they had no explanation, guess it is because of the ungodly amount of money they make with these procedures. Try it you will get used to the taste and will look forward to you daily Whamo!