1 User Review
Hi John, I've been reading on this site for years, have learned so much, and, I am so thankful for this site, much great informatiom here. I hope it dosen't go away, but, after reading your post, I see your on the right track, don't do chemo, it will probably ruin all your efforts to be healthy. There are many, many positive results here, read more, educate yourself, you're in a good place, read and relax, you're amongst friends
A team of doctors working with the cancer genome atlas project used a super computer to model a theoretical new protein that would disrupt cancer cells. This new protein called pnc -27 literally blows holes in the cellular membrane of cancer cells. Although deadly to cancer cells it does not affect healthy cells. Photos of actual cancer cells attacked by pnc-27 look like they been hit with a shotgun!
The incredible thing about pnc -27 is that it works on every known cancer cell line.
Naturally this treatment is totally forbidden in the United States. Best bet is take a medical vacation to Mexico. The United States lags far behind the rest of the world where advances in cancer care are light years ahead of us. Mexico is rated at number 3 in the world, a very good place to go if you need cancer treatment.
For those of you who might not be able to afford this new state of the art treatment, the research group might be able to help you by participating in the study. See website for details: http://pnc27.com/faq/.