2 User Reviews
(Beverly, MA)
I agree. My father had a friend who was on deaths doorstep with cancer. He had been admitted and looked like a corpse. We brewed essiac tea and gave it to him. He finished several gallons was released and continued to take the tea. That was 7 years ago. He was cured. You have to make sure your source is good though. Also I believe Hulda Clark, that all disease is caused by either a parasite or toxin. Think about it. Laetril (apricot pits) also cure cancer. Laetril from what I've read has a naturally occuring cyanide. It is also found in apple seeds. I don't know a lot about laetril, although it seems harmless to us, I wonder if this cyanide becomes active when ingested against parasites. I'm beginning to think the same thing of essiac. I believe the plants used are obviously an anti-parasitic/detox concoction.
It seems like a lot of herbs that act as such have an incredible effect of improving one's health. I think the diet option is basically starving the cancer, removing what it needs to thrive, while essiac may kill it off directly.
EC: Find out more about Essiac Tea on our page dedicated to the herbal remedy here.
Essiac Tea
Indian Sage,Chaparral,Red clover, Herbalene.These four herbs must be added together for best results.These formula cleanse your blood and boost your immune system to fight Cancer effectively.Over Millions have used this formula with good results.These herbs would have the same effect on most illnesses! This formula is also suitable for piles and many other diseases.
http://sirjasonwinters.com/scidoc.htm#report jason winters killing cancer
(San Francisco, CA)
Does anyone have an idea what the ingredient called "herbalene" really is in jason winters tea? is it dong quai, or astralagus or fo-ti? what is it? why does this guy, winters, have to be so secretive,???? Anyone really know what it is? Liz
(San Francisco, CA)
(San Diego)
I discovered the 'Herbalene' ingredient for Jason Winter's tea by merely copying and pasting the name of the scientific paper that was posted on their website into Google. Jason Winter's site omits the name in their copy of the study but the ACTUAL study found online states that the two herbs are:
Astragalus Membranaceus
Ligustrum lucidum (or Privet Fruit)