Health Benefits

Parsley Cancer Treatment

| Modified on Aug 29, 2024

1 User Review

Posted by Isabelle (Garden Grove, Ca) on 07/16/2012

Thank you for your newsletters they are always full of precious info! And an enthusiastic feedback about parsley. I confirm from personal experience that parsley is an important part of your weapons arsenal against cancer, any cancer. One full bunch twice a day, leaves and stems, but you need to moderate all that potassium with sea salt, the grayer, the better. I recovered holistically twice, 15 years apart, from breast cancer without chemo or radiation. The last time was 12 years ago. So, take heart! It can be done. Just follow your chosen protocol religiously. Nowadays I would follow Ted's protocol which seem to me easier than what I did in those days. I wish all the universe blessings upon Deirdre, Ted, and all of earth clinic participants! Peace and good luck!