From what I know now, I would add this to the protocol:
* Borax -- The ultimate fungal killer. Take 1/8 teaspoon in a litre of water every day. Normally taken for 4 days, then 3 days off every week. 20 Mule Team Borax is fine for this. Borax also removes fluorine from the body.
* Magnesium Chloride or Magnesium Citrate supplementation -- at least 400 mg per day(split into 2 doses). Magnesium is used in over 300 enzyme reactions in your body, balances hormones, calming, acts like an antibiotic against bacteria, helps the heart, reduces calcium build-up in the tissues(thus further reducing body acidity) and also works together with the borax to improve and maintain bone health.
* Hydrogen Peroxide -- Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Used in the protocol mainly to help clear or detox the blood and lymph of debris and to give you more energy.
* Natural sea salt or Fulvic acid for proper mineral balance.
* Chlorella to remove heavy metal build-up in the body.
* Iodine -- using Lugol's or Iodoral tablets. You can also just paint the soles of your feet with ordinary iodine tincture twice a week(I do this) -- the iodine will be absorbed through the skin. Iodine will help to remove bromine, chlorine and fluorine from the body and will also give good support to the immune system. Iodine also helps to kill the candida.
* Instead of using my own tri-herbal remedy -- choose any good quality herbs of your own choice -- such as milk thistle, dandylion and burdock -- to support both your kidneys and liver -- these are the main excretory organs of the blood. Doing this will soften the candida die-off or Herxheimer effects during the protocol.
With my original anti-candida protocol(when I didn't know as much as I do now), it took a whole year to defeat my candida. Ted maintains that you should be able to cure candida properly in 4 months. These additions should help you to achieve this.
I take most of the above now on a daily, weekly or monthly basis as a preventative defence for my body and as immune support. I haven't had cold, flu etc for well over 3 years now -- I used to catch everything under the sun when I had candida!!
Austrian Apple Juice
Manuka Honey and Cinnamon
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
I had tried ACV along with my mother many years ago when I was a teenager to help with winter athritis and sore throats, but I had forgotten about it. So after reading about it on your site, I immediately started by having 2tbls ACV 1/4tsp baking soda and a little agave nectar for sweetner in a mug of hot water. Within a couple hours of my first mug I was up and about feeling better. My grown son could not believe the transformation. He happened to come by for a visit right when I was drinking that first dose and I changed right before our eyes. I'm so glad he was here to see it so I know I'm not imagining things. I continued using it at least twice a day. The first night I felt so good in my skin, it was wonderful. It took several weeks to get off the BP meds, I had only been on them several weeks before starting ACV so I think I had not become dependent on them. Other people should be very careful about changing their BP meds, DR should monitor this. The water retention problem got better and better each day and finally disappeared after a couple weeks. Last BP check at DRs was 135/85, not bad.
Amazingly, and without me expecting it, my hot flashes that had appeared with a vengence at the same time as the high BP, completely disappeared at that first mugful. It took me a couple days to realize it, but I have not had one since, not ONE hot flash since, and they were rolling in just about one an hour, and believe me they were very thoroughly HOT.
I very patiently waited before writing in to you, and it is over 5 months later now, and I have my mug once a day or more, even while staying away from home (I have been sad to leave organic ACV behind in hotel rooms because I don't know of a good way to travel with it by air). I believe my digestion is better and elimination more regular though I would not have said before that I was particularly troubled in that area. It helps my overall sense of well-being. I can certainly tell if I haven't had some for a day-- I just feel off without it.
I have to add, though, sometimes my ACV doesn't sound good, it kind of hits my stomach funny, gives me a hollow feeling, and sometimes I feel like it heats me up, not quite a hot flash, but not desirable for someone who's had too many hot flashes. I don't know what this aversion is all about, but I manage to make myself have some, even if just a more diluted version of it and in cooler water. I am always glad that I did. After reading more, I think I will try the baking soda in water alone, or the lemon juice with baking soda in water next time the ACV just doesn't sound good.
Thank you so much for this site. I am determined to continue trying things until I feel like I remember I once felt--really well and useful.
Nettle Tea, B Vitamin, Garlic Tab
Cold Showers
Vegetable Juicing and Meditation
Passion Fruit Juice
Breathing Technique
While I don't know if this is capable of causing a lasting effect or long-term cure, I know it works for me to drop my BP, at least for a little while. Its something that I do, when I see my BP is a little too high for comfort. I, of course, closely monitor my BP to make sure it's staying in check and don't blindly trust anything.
Deep heavy breathing. Exhale everything from the lungs, then sharply/quickly inhale til lungs are full, quickly exhale til the lungs are empty, Do this a few more times, then on an inhale, hold it. It usually causes me to get lightheaded when I hold it, this is the feeling I'm aiming for. I Hold it for a good little bit. Then do it again. When I do this, I'm trying to completely saturate my blood with oxygen as much as I possibly can. I usually quickly feel very relaxed.
In my experience this is a good quick way to drop my BP a good 15-20 points off the top and at least 5 off the bottom and usually more than enough to get my BP in a safe range. Last time I did it, I was around 155/91 and dropped it to 131/84 before I stopped monitoring it, took me about 10 minutes to get there from the 155/91. May have went lower, I'm not sure.
They tell you to dilute and and slowly sip liquid potassium. Which means that taking several (more than 2?) capsules at a time might be unsafe (could cause a heart disturbance). So maybe there is a good reason for not selling larger doses in a pill.
Dietary Changes
Just Beef and butter for a month and you'll love the results.
BP Readings Over the Decades
Pink Salt
After several years of inconsistent blood pressure but trending up, and being put on three various meds for it, I stopped trying to use Rx meds because of untoward effects that I just could not 'live with.' After reading several articles on the benefits of 'real' salt (unprocessed), I switched to pink Himalayan. In two weeks, my blood pressure was back to very good. Six weeks or so ago, I ran out and have been using up the iodized commercially market with a Big Name brand and my blood pressure is again unacceptably high. Back to the pink!! I've changed nothing else in my foods, meds, or lifestyle.
It's the highly processed salt messing with my body.
Dietary Changes
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
This is for Bill / Art or any one who can guide:
At the age of 79 yrs. it is observed that in the mornings blood pr. is 170/80 and as the day goes on it comes down but is always in the range of 150--160/ 70--80. Feeling of light headed is there through out the day, but in the evening after the work out 'feeling good' feeling is there. ACV with potassium bi carbonate has not given any significant relief. I would like to know as to how the Systolic pressure can be brought down to the range of 120--135. Thanks
I've very high BP and I'm on three medication . My BP always remain 170-200 /100-126 with the medication.
I started 2 tbs of ACV with the Mother, 1 tsp organic ginger powder, 1 tsp of RAW honey, pinch of baking soda, pinch of cayenne pepper in 1 glass of warm water . I measured my BP after 1.5 month and it was still showing 202/126.
May be I'm doing something wrong here? not sure but It didn't work for me.
My question is about the regular yogurt that we East Indians set at home everyday,, is it not effective enough? And also if I start with probiotics when is the best time to take them? Thank you so much for all your detailed n informative posts..
Kefir and Apple Cider Vinegar
Where in India do you get kefir? I looked it up in Amazon as well but could not find it.
Kefir and Apple Cider Vinegar
P. Raghavan.
Mineral Water with Blackstrap Molasses
FINALLY! I wasreading about dehydration so I decided to try mineral water! And then I decided to add some blackstrap molasses to it for the extra added minerals. And voila! Went from 150:110 to 132/94 in 2 hours! I plan on consuming this every day to see how it works and makes me feel! Just wanted to share for others in case it would work for someone else!
Recipe : 1/2 tbsp in 12oz of mineral water ( I used gerolsteiner because it has a lot of mag bicarb and calcium bicarb )
Avoid Black Licorice
Apple Cider Vinegar. Try drinking 2 tablespoons of ACV diluted in 8 ounces of water every day.
Lowering blood pressure means you are dilating constricted arterys that relieve pressure. With that in mind search for products that can dilate and look at which ones are incompatible with your medications.
Any one (1) of these is beneficial to lower BP.
Omega3 Fish oil, Ginkgo Biloba, Garlic, Celery, Taurine, Arginine, Hawthorn, Niacin Vitamin B-3, vitamin D, Vitamin E, Zinc, Ginseng, Citrulline, Alpha-Linolenic Acid, COQ10, VITAMIN B6. Follow doses as directed.
Don't use salt/sodium. Turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and pepper raise blood pressure. Avoid foods that constrict arteries.
Even though the following explanation is to do with chemistry, I reckon that it's simple enough to understand. In the normal human respiration process or cycle, cells kick out the CO2 by converting it to carbonic acid. Next, it's converted to bicarbonate and released into the blood for safe transport to the lungs for expiration. When the bicarbonate reaches the alveoli in the lungs it gives up the CO2 and trades it for O2 because the bicarbonate ion is converted to water and CO2.
The next thing to understand is the blood concentration differential between the CO2 and the O2 levels in the blood. Please note that this CO2/O2 concentration gradient is critical and should always be in balance in the body. This balance isn't about amounts -- this is about proper ratios.
So if you suddenly increase the bicarbonate concentrations in the blood by taking large doses of baking soda then what happens? You are effectively suddenly increasing the CO2 content in the blood. This acts to disrupt the CO2/O2 concentration gradient or ratio in the blood. The body's regulation mechanism therefore kicks in because this situation is a no-no and it reacts by automatically absorbing more oxygen at a faster rate into the blood from the lungs to help re-balance this altered concentration gradient or ratio. Hence you get that oxygen euphoria feeling from the huge sudden increase in blood and cell oxygen that Vernon(who took huge amounts of sodium bicarb) mentions in his blog. This would also help to explain why taking baking soda in such large amounts helped against Vernon's cancer. Supplementing bicarb increases cell oxygenation and, as everyone knows, oxygen kills cancer.
You could also say that supplementing baking soda and water everyday actually helps to oxygenate the blood and cells to higher levels -- which also must inevitably act to increase your energy levels as well.
The deep breathing thing is also similar to the above. If you breath deeply in and out quickly for a long time this naturally increases expiration of CO2 and increases O2 intake into the blood. This is called hyperventilating. The deep breathing pulls more bicarbonate(CO2) into the blood at a faster rate than normal slower breathing. This, of course, also helps to alkalize the blood and also stimulates increased oxygen intake so same result as above. The oxygen itself is transported by a separate process to the cells via heme blood and so does not really participate in the alkalization effect.