Health Benefits

Robert Henry Cancer Protocols

Robert Henry's Protocol
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 02/22/2013

HI U GOOD PEOPLE DOIN, , , , , , , , , , , ,

Have hinted for several months that I had a serious project that I was working on. Well, last night I got a call from my Doctor to inform me that my DNA now showed no sign of cancer. This was after 7 months of doing Alternative procedures most of which I learned here on Earth Clinic. My doctor is a Thorasic Surgeon but shifted his thinking some 20 years ago and counsels his patients to go the alternative route on cancer and heart problems.

Using his counsel, I approached my problem by detoxing, alkalizing and Ozonating. I used baking soda to keep my pH up, and drank ionized as well as ozonated water. Took vitiman C as well as the Vit C I.V. 's on a weekly basis. Bought a Medical Ozone Generator which I used for ear and anal insufflation as well as Ozone transdermal where you wear a suit filled with Ozone in a FIR sauna. I did FIR saunas to sweat out toxins. But probably the most important thing I did was to take a supplement developed by researchers at Purdue University that contained green tea and capsain (green pepper). This was taken every 4 hours 24/7 for 7 months. This supplement cost about $ 130/ mo. Also took 3 different mushroom supplements to build up my own immune system.

At no time did I ever see an Oncologist nor take chemo or radiation. I did start using a quality probotic and enzymes. My immune system is what did the trick. All these other procedures just allowed that to take place.

I thank you folks on Earth Clinic for getting me to think about taking care of my own health problems. I do think a shortcoming on this site is that of detoxing by cleansing. Take care of your liver with coffee enemas, and flushes along with colon cleansings and a lot of your ails will go away.

As all know, I love to tell ATS' ( Another True Story) and hope you were not bored with this one. And lastly, I want to give credit where it is due.. My Lord and Savior. ===ROBERT HENRY====