Health Benefits

Robert Henry Cancer Protocols

| Modified on Sep 14, 2024
Robert Henry's Protocol
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 02/22/2013

HI U GOOD PEOPLE DOIN, , , , , , , , , , , ,

Have hinted for several months that I had a serious project that I was working on. Well, last night I got a call from my Doctor to inform me that my DNA now showed no sign of cancer. This was after 7 months of doing Alternative procedures most of which I learned here on Earth Clinic. My doctor is a Thorasic Surgeon but shifted his thinking some 20 years ago and counsels his patients to go the alternative route on cancer and heart problems.

Using his counsel, I approached my problem by detoxing, alkalizing and Ozonating. I used baking soda to keep my pH up, and drank ionized as well as ozonated water. Took vitiman C as well as the Vit C I.V. 's on a weekly basis. Bought a Medical Ozone Generator which I used for ear and anal insufflation as well as Ozone transdermal where you wear a suit filled with Ozone in a FIR sauna. I did FIR saunas to sweat out toxins. But probably the most important thing I did was to take a supplement developed by researchers at Purdue University that contained green tea and capsain (green pepper). This was taken every 4 hours 24/7 for 7 months. This supplement cost about $ 130/ mo. Also took 3 different mushroom supplements to build up my own immune system.

At no time did I ever see an Oncologist nor take chemo or radiation. I did start using a quality probotic and enzymes. My immune system is what did the trick. All these other procedures just allowed that to take place.

I thank you folks on Earth Clinic for getting me to think about taking care of my own health problems. I do think a shortcoming on this site is that of detoxing by cleansing. Take care of your liver with coffee enemas, and flushes along with colon cleansings and a lot of your ails will go away.

As all know, I love to tell ATS' ( Another True Story) and hope you were not bored with this one. And lastly, I want to give credit where it is due.. My Lord and Savior. ===ROBERT HENRY====

Robert Henry's Protocol
Posted by ORH (Ten Mile, Tn) on 07/22/2020

KARRI,,,,,,,,,,,,, there is an Italian doctor named Dr Simoncini and he stirs the pot. He says cancer is a fungus and can be cured with baking soda. He has cured breast cancers by direct injection of baking soda into the tumor . I have followed him for years and Big Brother is always after folks that can cure cancer or other money making diseases. I use ozone for my knee but always went to a doctor. Now I am going to inject ozone in my knee myself. Stupid druggies do it every day....... they don't use a doctor. So from now on....... I will inject my knee with ozone. Research and consider your own trail. I once shot myself in the stomach. Not a deal. Learn to shoot yourself. Doctors don't give most shots, some new nerd does that just hired on does. That is beneath the doctor. He has not even been washing his hands until lately.

KARRI, use your head and not mine. I just plant ideas and stir the pot.


Robert Henry's Protocol
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn, Usa) on 02/28/2013

HI U GOOD FOLKS DOIN, , , , , , , ,

Let me tell you a story. This now a cure for cancer that takes 4 days using natural ingrientients via I.V. It must be continuous. It's now all hush, hush because with this and EDTA Chelation, there would be no expensive heart or cancer treatments. The medical folks are coming after this with both feet. Our new problem is that the natural folks are now getting just as greedy as the Allopathics. Myself, I'll just keep reading what the good folks all over the world are saying. Do you realize that if the world got along as well as the folks on Earth Clinic, what a wonderful planet we would have? Kinda sad if you think about it. Earth Clinic is just plain folks trying to help their fellow man. Well, I'm on the shady side of the mountain so I'll let others paddle around the next curve. ===ROBERT HENRY========

Robert Henry's Protocol
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 02/22/2013

Excellent news, Robert Henry! All that dedication really paid off. It gives hope to those in similar situations. Thanks again to Earth Clinic and all those who tell their story! Best of luck and good health, Robert. Cheers, Bess

Robert Henry's Protocol
Posted by Anon (Everywhere) on 02/22/2013

Thank you for sharing Robert Henry, stay well x

Robert Henry's Protocol
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 02/22/2013

Hi Robert Henry,

So happy to hear that you are doing well! Great job developing your successful protocol and sharing it with everyone so we can all benefit by your reasoning. Best wishes!

Robert Henry's Protocol
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky) on 03/01/2013 2048 posts

This reminds me of the late Jamaican musician Bob Marley who neglected to take serious a melanoma on his foot as it "appeared" to be treated successfully and resolved; only to several yrs latter be diagnosed with a stage 4 "untreatable" cancer (carcinoma I beleive). He flew to Germany for the I.V. treatments and did see some improvements, but alas, it was too late.

Early detection is critical for the big C.

P.S. please don't think this game is won and over, stay with the nutritionals and healthy lifestyle so this thing doesn't come roaring back. One can cut off the head of a Rattlesnake and, at least for a few minutes, that viper can still put a venemous bite on.

Robert Henry's Protocol
Posted by Karri (Ca) on 07/19/2020

Hi, Robert. Can you please let me know the name of the supplement that you took every 4 hours around the well as where I can purchase it? I have stage 3 or 4 breast cancer (my insurance never told me which one but said it was one or the other) and I, too, refuse to do the chemo as my insurance is only wanting me to do, of course. I'm also doing the high dose vit C weekly, and on many other supplements (and will be doing my first treatment with ozone tomorrow).