Health Benefits

Uterine Cancer Treatment: Natural Remedies

| Modified on Sep 14, 2024
Uterine Cancer
Posted by Carolyn (Shelby, Ohio) on 05/16/2009


I was diagnosed with uterine cancer in Sept. of last year by a doctor that did not know what he was doing. He waited a long time to do the hysterectomy and he was so sure I didn't have cancer he didn't even check the lymph nodes. He left them in and took out only the uterus and the ovaries. After they removed them he did not open up the uterus to look inside the uterus. Just sent it off to pathology. Came in after surgery and said no cancer!!. Turns out next day while I was eating my supper he shows up and says the pathologist found cancer after all. Nestled in among the fibroids I was told I only had one of. I was devastated. Also told that it was stage 2 or stage 1 and encapsulated.

Ha ha ha, The joke was on me. Went to the cancer dr. and was told that it was at least stage 3 or 4. I could not even think. Sent to the cancer clinic in our city and was told it was stage 3C. Invasion into 2 lymph nodes. Possibility of metastisis to other organs. I fell apart. Went to other drs. and was told the same thing, but my attitude would take me farther. I went home and laid in bed for days, just waiting to die. I decided to take the radiation, but it was horrifying. I received 38 treatments 1 every day for weeks. The radiation is very nauseating. I threw up constantly. They finally gave me a pill to stop the nausea, but it made my stomach hurt. I told them up front that I would not have any chemo. I saw what it did to my mother in law and she died anyway. The burning on the skin was awful too. I had to apply cream to it everyday. Hair loss, not on the head lol. Front and back radiation. I can really feel for the people that have it. When the radiation was over I found this place. I decided to look up things to do to save myself. Or give me some time till they got the stem cell stuff going (if they ever do). I found out about essiac, but couldn't find it cheap enough and a good quality to be able to afford to buy it. A friend of mine told me about a vitamin company that sold it a lot cheaper than they do in Canada. I have been taking 6 a day, and I also take the apricot seeds. I found a health food store that has it pretty cheap, online is expensive. She says if you say it is a foodstuff instead of a medicine you can get it cheaper. I don't like the taste of it, so I grind it in my grinder and put it in capsules. I can only take 2 a day and I know that is not enough. I took 3 today and will try to increase it every week.

The reason I am writing is because I tried the hydrogen peroxide 35% food grade. I diluted a couple of drops in a 16 oz. bottle of water. I could taste it, but I drank it. The first day was okay. The second day the left side of my abdomen was in a lot of pain. I had so much gas I couldn't leave the house. It was constant. I don't know what it was from, but I had to stop taking the h202. I don't know if I did it wrong on not. I just wanted to let people know what kind of side effects I had from it.

I hope someone out there can give me some other cures for cancer. Right now I am in remission, I don't know if it is from the essiac and the apricot seeds or from the radiation or if it is temporary. I pray everyday that it is gone. One other thing, if you think there is something seriously wrong push the dr. until he does what he is supposed to, I was put off for months and finally had to ask the dr. for a hysterectomy.

thank you all for listening to me.