Health Benefits

Viral Cancer Treatment: Natural Remedies

| Modified on Sep 14, 2024
Viral Cancer Remedies
Posted by Rebel (Somewhere Usa) on 11/10/2015

So, people I reported here some time ago that my cousin had Head and Neck cancer and that it was a viral cancer and that was a fast moving cancer. Well he is dead as of 4.00PM today. I am glad he suffers no more.

But he was a guy who never trusted government but yet he put his faith in modern medicine. I just have to ask why, and I did ask him. He never really had an answer he just did as the doctors said do. I tried to introduce him to all kind of natural meds and he shun them all.

I am not saying that Essiac Tea would have saved him, but one thing I know for sure is that chemo did not.

Viral Cancer Remedies
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 11/11/2015

HI U REBEL, , , , , , , , , , , sorry for the loss of your cousin.

You are not alone in not being able to get the natural message across to friends and kin. I no longer try. You can lead a mule to water, but you can't make him drink.

I have been trying to get friends to get EDTA Chelation for about 5 years. About a month ago they called and wanted to start immediately with our doctor, but he was booked up for two months and they were angry. Everyone expects instant gratification.

I have a feeling that one of this couple has learned that they are in deep dodo. They did not say and I did not ask.

What I now do is send folks URL's that explain things far better than a Redneck like me can.

I have been able to get friends to go get Ozone shots. For some reason.... pain is a motivator. Ozone has worked of me and all that did the shots. I start next Monday on a round of five on my lower spine.

As you know I'm treating my cancer by my lonesome and sometimes you doubt your self . That takes a tough minded person. I am not tough physically, but I am tough minded. You just have to ask the Lord to give you wisdom and discipline .

Wish you well. =======ORH===========

Viral Cancer Remedies
Posted by Myway (Usa) on 11/12/2015

So sorry to hear about your cousin. He probably was so scared - and the oncologists probably made it worse. Fear is a driving force for healthcare today. Those of us who have complete confidence in our holistic approach to health - have a mindset of a warrior with a cause. Not everyone has the capacity to take complete control/responsibility for their health when sh*t hits the fan so to speak. Blessings to you and your family.

Myway :D