Health Benefits

Dandelion Root Tea Cancer Treatment

| Modified on Sep 14, 2024
Dandelion Root Tea
Posted by Robbie111 (Calgary, Alberta) on 12/14/2013

Just wanted to let people here know about Dandelion Root Tea curing cancers of all types including Leukemia. Canadian research doctors are trying to isolate compounds from it right now. If you google Canadian researchers cure cancer with dandelion root tea you will find lots of articles on how and why it works.

Dandelion Root Tea
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 12/15/2013

Hi Robbie, there are indeed some good web sites on dandelion herb. I pick mine from the garden and make tea. My cats actually slurp it, so do the dogs. This is a wonderful herb, a safe diuretic loaded with vitamins and minerals. The entire herb is to be utilized. I use it about twice a year to the max and we all feel so much better. In Chinese medicine it is the no. six most important herb. Worth researching. Om