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Holistic Cancer Treatment: General Discussion Board

General Feedback
Posted by Rick (Montreal, Quebec) on 02/11/2009

A friend of mine who was a cancer patient told me his favorite cancer preventative is green tea with tumeric and a pinch of black pepper. He takes one cup a day..I also take this not too tasty concoction. Over time I have gotten used to the taste and somehow, I kind of like the flavor of it now. My body seems to cherish it: when I am travelling I get the urge to make some. Apparently, the combination of the 3 ingredients creates a very powerful synergy.

hope this helps

General Feedback
Posted by Kim H (USA) on 04/03/2008

I just wanted to take the time to say thank you to this group of fine people. I was on their prayer list a month or two ago, added by a good friend. I'm 44, with a 13 year old daughter, and a 4 year breast cancer survivor. I just found out that the extremely aggressive tumors in my lungs and liver (discovered only 2 months ago) are completely gone. I can't tell you how many people told me they added me to their prayer list at their church. I firmly believe that the combination of chemo, prayer and quantum energy work I did on myself are what has given me this remarkable recovery in such a short time. I will be sure to prayer for the Tibetans, children, seals and members on Sunday.

Thanks again,


EC: We asked Kim to please send more details!

General Feedback
Posted by Kevin (Peckville, Pennsylvania) on 11/16/2007

You should read The Calcium Bomb: The Nanobacteria Link to Heart Disease & Cancer (Hardcover) by Douglas Mulhall (Author), Katja Hansen (Author) It is an eye opening book on a major madical problem. However trying to find a doctor who takes this seriously is like trying to extract hens teeth. I find that the medical fraternity is often a closed club and is not really interested in infomation from the "outside".especially if it comes from a patient. I am trying to piece together the treatment regimen in th ebook but am having no luck with the people named in the publication.