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I'm not telling you anything new, but our medical folks are corrupt to the core. It's a money thing. That is the reason that I welcome a violet revolution. We need it and may the best folks win.
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Here's the page with the information:
The article is entitled: Can Cancer Pain Be Wiped Out with a Nasal Spray? The video is near the end of the article. The sound and picture isn't the best but there is good information in it as well as in the article. The comment section is a must read (scroll past the ads). People are writing in saying what worked for their cancer pain.
It seems alkalizing the body is a key component.
Best of luck to you and your son. Take care, Bess
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Hope this will help you. Many good wishes for your son's recovery.
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Knowing many friends and relatives with different types of cancers, I want to be able to help with alternatives to chemo and radiation. Even if they choose to go with chemo and radiation, and you certainly can't blame them when they're fighting for their lives, perhaps there are some alternative therapies that help the process.
Of course, there are some legitimate alternative treatments out there. Please reply with the very best alternative treatments you know of, especially if you've witnessed the treatment's success for yourself.
There have to be some treatments that, when applied together, do much better than a singular treatment. There are also different cancers that may be better treated with one type of treatment versus another.
I've listed some treatments I've heard about:
Essiac tea, Budwig Protocol, Hydrogen Peroxide, Antioxidants, Mega doses of Vitamin C, detoxing, Omega 3 and other Omegas, Ozone therapy, group prayer, energy healing, Acupuncture, Tesla Coil, hot springs bathing, sulphur springs bathing, oil pulling, hyperbaric chamber, Coconut Oil, Coenzyme Q-10, Ubiquinone.
Please share your thoughts on promising individual treatments and combinations.
Thank you.
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EC: Not true. Very few posts on Earth Clinic have been removed over the years. However, if you are using a mobile device, switch to VIEW FULL VERSION in the main menu, and you will access the full site. Or use a desktop computer, which is the best way to view all the content on the site.
Mobile users on Earth Clinic are redirected to a fast-loading mini-site specifically designed for mobile devices unless they choose the View Full Version option. Since 2014.
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It was in a physiology class at a well known medical school in l978/9 that the instructor shared a little pearl of wisdom. It was: "From some research we have going on here, we don't know how, but for some reason poke berries throws the body into gear to fight". I just sat there & grinned because I had been taking them for the last l5 years on the advice of a little country woman who probably didn't go beyond the 3rd or 4th grade in school. Most likely the producers of Vioxx studied this plant and found one or two chemicals that had the anti-arthritis action they wanted and made a synthetic version of them that could be patented, so they could rake in huge profits from it. You probably already know that Vioxx decreased quality of life or outright killed thousands of people.
It doesn't take an Einstein to figure out that the reason poke berries safely boosts the immune system, while a synthetic version of a few of the herb's chemicals maimed or outright killed thousands of people, is because the herbal remedy still contains the fail safe chemicals that the pharmaceutical company removed from their synthetic version they marketed. The problem is that the pharmaceutical company didn't test their synthetic version before marketing it and creating havoc for too many people taking it. An aunt of mine now has the residual damage from a stroke and a pacemaker implanted, thanks to Vioxx.
If you want to broaden your mind with a little more reading, go pick up a copy of "The Green Pharmacy" by James Duke, PhD degree botanist. You can get a quick education on how well these herbal remedies (plants, many of which are labeled weeds) have been studied and tested. Even the lowly little prickly pear cactus has an amazing array of chemicals and nutrients in it.
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Cancer is a normal process and not a malfunction.
It is a one, a singular disease that takes place in the body in order to save the body from death.
I know it sounds like a contradiction since cancer leads to death, but this is because we don't see the whole picture.
Cancer cells are produced by the immune system in locations of the body where normal cells are unable to survive.
Some times the conditions for survival for normal cells in a specific location of the body become Intolerable up to a point when the normal cells cannot live there any more.
What leads to this worsening of conditions? There are mainly three reasons:
1) A trauma to the body that leads to a long standing lack of blood/lymph/nerve supply to a specific location.
2) A chronic accumulation of toxins in the body that accumulate in a specific location.
3) A continuous irritation from external or internal source.
At the beginning the immune system creates an inflammatory process in the specific location, aimed at eliminating the accumulated toxins. It may clear the area which will go back to function normally. It can also remain inflamed at that location but it will remain stable. The accumulation of toxins may increase and as a result, the inflammation can also get worse.
As the inflammation gets worse, more and more cells are dying in that location, blood supply is restricted, the oxygen level is going down and the acidity is going up from the breakdown of proteins.
These conditions augment the cells death and create a vicious circle of dying cells and worsening conditions.
The described set of events may lead to the complete destruction (necrosis) of the organ where it take place in, and then to a quick death.
The solution made by the body is to manufacture different type of cells that can flourish in such conditions.
These special cells will take the place of the normal cells until the conditions are back to normal and then they should die, when normal cells can live there again. Or if the conditions do not improve, extend the life of the organ and that person.
What type of cells can live in such conditions?
They need to be able to live in low oxygen low blood supply and in high acidic conditions. They also should be able to replenish the blood supply to this location. They should also keep on multiplying so if some die due to the tough conditions, enough of them will survive.
When we examine cancer cells we can see that they survive and more active (malignant) the more these conditions exist:
1) cancer cells can live in conditions where oxygen is very low by not using the Krebs cycle for getting their energy (as normal cells do) and using a process called Glycolysis which does not require oxygen.
2) Cancer cells can survive in a much more acidic conditions then normal cells.
3) Since they do not need so much oxygen and can live in acidic conditions, they can live in a low blood supply level.
4) Cancer cells also produce constantly new blood veins to improve blood supply to that location.
5) Cancer cells can consume the free amino acids and other nutrient from the breaking down of cells around them.
6) Cancer cells multiply constantly so even if some are destroyed due to these conditions, others will quickly replace them.
As a result of these characteristics, cancer cells can replace normal cells in a specific location and by doing so, inhibiting the quick destruction (necrosis) of an organ.
As a rule, cancer always starts in inflamed location.
When the process of inflammation is increased very slowly the end result will be a local necrosis like we see in arthritis or emphysema which they are a localized, partial destruction of an organ. If the inflammation is more aggressive the result is cancer.
Cancer can be eliminated if we eliminate the accumulation of toxins to the area and stop the inflammatory process.
If it can not be done then at least the cancer gave us several more years to live.
An operation to remove a tumor will be effective if the source of the cancer is localized, if it is a systemic accumulation of toxins or irritation then the cancer will reappear in the same or a different location.
EC: Topic is about Vitamin B17 for cancer...
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hope this helps
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Thanks again,
EC: We asked Kim to please send more details!
This issue is not just confined to the U.S., but it is occurring in many countries, if anyone really bothered to check free radical heavy metals in the drinking water with all those defective pipes and old water faucet by the time it reaches its destination the metals, bacteria and other toxins have accumulated after traveling miles of endless metal pipes, hormone altering plastics, etc.
In some countries, even if they are "developed" you just can't leave a glass water overnight, otherwise it becomes "spoiled" the next day. As a result, the cause of immunity problem is bought on by contaminated water. Some even went so far as to comment how sweet the water tastes for bottled water compared to faucet drinking water.
With lacking of analysis for dioxin, free radical heavy metals, rocket fuels, and others, I am going to assume the worse if people localy are getting sick.
Even in city where I live even with the lack of cancer, I found many places to be high in heavy metals content. Never mind about places with cancer and drinking water, that is even worse.
Therefore contaminated water where there is present cancer therefore is an immune issue, once the immune is down, viral cancer, staph infection, boils, etc. This is true whether it is autoimmunity or a sickness of cancer, or even a staph infection. You just can't cure anyone by suppressing the immune system. The real issue is to remove the cause and not just covering up the symptoms by sweeping under the rug.
If increased immunity is what you are after, the most basic issue is:
Stop drinking contaminated water, Take baking soda and lime (or lemon) formula, or Baking soda and Apple Cider vinegar formula,
To reduce fungus or staph infection or allergic skin, adding a pinch of borax is all that is needed in many cases. Borax is in my opinion a good antibiotic especially for the conditions of fungus.
Whenever cost is the major consideration and I must drink faucet water, two considerations are possible:
1. Using reverse osmosis water, and then add baking soda, potassium bicarbonate, and magnesium citrate, plus fulvic acid.
2. In cases of filtered water, I would consider at least adding 1/8 teaspoon of disodium EDTA in one liter of drinking water. It will at least remove the free radical heavy metals.
3. A weekly drinking of 6-12 drops of hydrogen peroxide, at least to remove the chemical toxins in your body. If the toxins is confirmed and I am sick. I will very likely to do this in all my drinking water for at least between 2 weeks to a month. In fact, when I first used hydrogen peroxide years ago, I was so happy that I used it for more than 2 years without a break. It is as if my chronic fatigue was eventually disappeared, along with taking baking soda and vitamin C (or lime or lemon) of course.
In a city where people drop off like flies, something simply must be done about it. We are simply sitting ducks if we just continue to do what we have always do. Habits needs to be changed.
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Study highlights role of glutamine in absence of glucose in growth of B cell tumor.
Cancer cells have been long known to have a "sweet tooth, " using vast amounts of glucose for energy and for building blocks for cell replication.
Now, a study by a team of researchers at Johns Hopkins and elsewhere shows that lymph gland cancer cells called B cells can use glutamine in the absence of glucose for cell replication and survival, particularly under low-oxygen conditions, which are common in tumors.
Writing in the Jan. 4, 2012, edition of Cell Metabolism, Anne Le, M. D. , and a team of investigators collaborating with the Johns Hopkins Brain Science Institute, say the finding is critical for developing innovative cancer therapies because it offers "proof of concept" evidence that curbing the growth of B cell cancers can be accomplished by inhibiting a glutamine enzyme called glutaminase.
Le notes that although little is known about glutamine's role in the growth of B cell cancer, the amino acid circulates in the blood at the highest level among the 20 amino acids that do so.
The tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA or Krebs cycle) is classically regarded as a pathway for glucose oxidation. However, the experiments by Le and the team show that B cells oxidize glutamine when glucose is absent.
The study also found that when oxygen is scarce, there is enhanced conversion of glutamine to glutathione, an important agent for controlling the accumulation of oxygen-containing chemically reactive molecules that cause damage to normal cells.
When the investigators used a glutaminase inhibitor, cancerous growth of B cells was stopped in petri dishes.
"The flexibility of the TCA cycle in using both glutamine and glucose pathways may be important for cancer cells to proliferate and survive, especially under the low-oxygen and nutrient-deprived conditions often encountered in the tumor microenvironment, " says Le.
Now, perhaps, scientists can exploit that survival strategy to stop cancer, according to former Johns Hopkins scientist Chi Dang, M. D. , now at the Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania. "A broader and deeper understanding of cancer cell metabolism and cancer cells'ability to reprogram biochemical pathways under metabolic stress can be a rich ground for therapeutic approaches targeting tumor metabolism, " he says.
In addition to Le, an assistant professor in the Department of Pathology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, other researchers from Johns Hopkins who participated in this study include Sminu Bose, Arvin Gouw, Joseph Barbi, Takashi Tsukamoto, Camilo J. Rojas and Barbara Slusher. The Johns Hopkins Brain Science Institute, where Tsukamoto, Rojas and Slusher are faculty, is pursuing the development of new glutaminase inhibitor drugs.
"It is expected that annual cancer cases will rise from 14 million in 2012 to 22 within the next two decades."
Not only will cancer cases rise, the fact that cancer will still not have a cure from the allopathic medical field is even more sad. When will this stop? Probably NEVER because they don't want a cure! Here's the article link:
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Got ATS to tell you, but you will have to wait 6 months on this one. I got another serious health problem and have elected to go the natural way. It's a goodie and I kinda scared, but I got a program and it will be thumbs up or thumbs down. At 76, I have lived a full life and am going out with dignity one way or the other.
Ya'll behave for a change. ==ROBERT HENRY====
Yo Redneck Buddy == ROBERT HENRY=====
I sincerely hope that your test results will come out to your liking. Good Luck and God Bless.
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But I have also read about chloroquine (anti malarial drug) which is now under clinical trials, as it inhibits autophagy.
My question do you think it is possible to combine both treatments in an attempt to starve the cancer?
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I did this for my husband's brown recluse bite. Three days completely healed no scar. Plantain very powerful, but don't know that it is as powerful as the salve. Expect a lot of pain as the salve does it's job with removing the tumor if you have a cancer. Truck's book says some don't have that much pain because their cancers are much smaller.
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Also, the numerous glands in the human body produce hormones & enzymes, so during illness or in aging, the glands lose some degree of function. Consume as directed herbal gland cleanser/stimulator, raw multiglandular, and digestive/systemic enzymes.
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Some specialist are finding Near-Infared Light Theropy (topical or sauna) very helpful in detox & healing.
Also I have personaly witnessed good results with Leonard Horrowitze's theoretical Solffagio Harmonics. The 528 "Love" vibration supposedly the same vibration that is God's heartbeat is especially encouraged as it heals and reprograms damaged DNA. Also, I have only done a few of the Carlos Castaneda Tensegrity movements, but I do notice some slight immediate resuts especially the "Helping The Flow Of Immunity" (minor movement). Tensegrity is available in book or DVD format. Yoga and Meditation, yes.
Also, it seems rather obvious that Liver Support is critical in beating cancer as the Liver is such a vital organ. Colon and Gallbladder cleanses are, in turn, critical for Liver health (i know, I found out that hard way).
Lastly, CoQ10 or ubiguinone gets most of the rave in cellular energy and oxygenation, but I wouldn't rely on it alone. Also use the coenzymes Alpha Lipoic Acid and NADH.
Lastly again, there is much studies recommending the body's need for Methylation. Suppliment with the fallowing methyl donors vit-b12, Folic Acid, SAM-e, Betaine, DMG.
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1. LDN... Low dose naltrexone... one of many links
2. Beta Glucans such as AHCC...
3. IP6-Inositol
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