Health Benefits

Maple Syrup, Baking Soda, Magnesium & Iodine Cancer Treatment

| Modified on Sep 14, 2024
Maple Syrup, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Iodine
Posted by Christal (Kyle, Texas) on 01/19/2011

I came across this "cure" and I think everyone who has cancer should try this.

A few drs out there suggest that cancer is a fungus and I have to say I agree. Candida is the culprit. How do we get massive candida overgrowth? Antibiotics and the foods we consume constanly.

The remedy is this

3 Teaspoons PURE 100% GRADE B Maple Syrup

1 Teaspoon Aluminum free baking soda(you can order this online just do a word serch for it, thats what I had to do)

take those and heat them on the stove on the lowest setting possible, do this until it bonds which is when it starts to froth a little, you don't want to burn it because it will taste awful.

Eat three teaspoons of this a day, also take magnesium and iodine becuase those defficiencies can cause cancer as well? I read that but I would do it, can't hurt to try right?

Love and God bless yall! Oh and if anyone has any questions about it or anything else just email me! Christaleddleman(at)yahoo(dot)com