We would appreciate any form of guidance and direction. We are located in Melbourne, Australia. Can Ted from Bangkok offer any advice/insight? In Gratitude.
Pediatric Low Grade Glioma
They may be able to advise you if you contact Duke.
LDN has been used in clinical trials for children with Crohn's disease and also with autistic children, so his age should not be a problem. Dr. Jill Smith of Penn State University in Hershey, PA conducted the studies and may be able to give you guidance on dosage for your son. The LDN website is www.ldninfo.org. LDN seems to be helpful as an addition to any cancer treatment (it is not a stand alone treatment) and is thought to help protect cells from chemo exposure.
I believe Ted has posted on gioblastoma here, also, and you can see his advice here:
Ted's remedies can be found here:
I believe his amounts listed are for adults, so you would need to use less. Bill, a man with much knowledge of natural treatments on Earth Clinic, who is familiar with Ted's protocols, may be able to advise. Best wishes.
Pediatric Low Grade Glioma