Health Benefits

Raw Foods Enema Cancer Treatment

| Modified on Sep 14, 2024
Raw Foods, Enema
Posted by Remy (New York, Ny) on 10/06/2010

Even though I do not have cancer, it is hard to not know a relative or a friend who does. However I believe in curing cancer with raw foods and enema. Please research Dr Max Gerner, a Dr whom Einstein called a genius and who cured cancer patients with an almost raw food diet. Juicing and coffee enema. There is a clinic in Mexico where they cure any type of cancer there, that way. I cannot stress more than most of cancer are food related. Cooked foods are hard to digest, no other animals eat the way we do. The enzymes which help digestion are killed in the process of cooking food. Also the body has to recode the food that was altered by the heat. Once again not to mention pesticides, hormones, etc... All this adds up to weaken our imune system, and the body tries to process and heal, but ends getting overwhelmed year after year. Please research raw foods and cancer
And Dr Max Gerner, best of luck to you. Love Remy

Raw Foods, Enema
Posted by Cancer Victim (Victoria, Bc Canada) on 08/22/2011

I've never read such BS in my life... You speak of foods as if they were medicine and if this were the case then a lot more people would be cured and the local cancer agencies would be promoting this relatively cheap means of combatting cancer. Lets be real, surgery is best, radiation and chemo are next and a health diet will help mitigate the effects of the cancer but will NOT cure it.

Raw Foods, Enema
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 08/23/2011

The mole rat is the only mammal presently known not to get cancer.. This is due to a gene p16.. This gene stops cells going into the prolific growth mode. In fact its almost impossible to grow mole rat cells in the lab. The funny thing is that garlic also slows down cell growth. It's been proven that regular garlic ingestion protects against bowel and lung cancer.. It also cleans heavy metals from environmental polution from the body this is proven.. But it's only down in folk medicine land that these things will be aired. Simply because you can't patent a vegetable and make money out of it.

Raw Foods, Enema
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 08/23/2011

I think that chemotherapy and surgery sometimes only make things worse. I say this after having read a few books on the treatment of cancer! I would advise you to read as much as you can. Actually I would advise everybody to do like me and get the information before you or a loved one are ill because afterwards one tends to make decisions very fast and you don't have the time to get informed! Your doctor is not at all the best person to inform you. Maybe this stricks you as odd but they are only allowed to tell you what the system allows them to say. Some good books are:
The Cancer Industry: The Classic Expose on the Cancer Establishment; Cancer: a new way of life; Linus Pauling - How to live longer and feel better; I reviewed a few books here on the review section but there are a lot more so do your research! The you will understand how the establishment works. I am not saying I would never choose chemotherapy or surgery but if I did I would prefer to know my options! I lost my mother to cancer because she didn't have any other options! Good luck!

Raw Foods, Enema
Posted by Cat (Papamoa, New Zealand) on 04/17/2012


Watch this link for anyone doubting raw foods ability to fight cancer -