Health Benefits

Rectal Cancer: Natural Remedies and Community Discussion

Remedies for Rectal Cancer
Posted by Ed2010 (Oakville, Canada) on 02/07/2013

hi Nino, Take Noni Juice 15 - 30 ml 2 times a day. Noni juice is excellent for colo rectal diseases. It increases the digestion, promotes proper peristalisis, softens stools. Strengthens the vascular system around rectum. You can see nice improvement in 1 week.

For fissures and Fistula, there is no other way you have to clean with water after every bowel movement. This is the Ideal Hygenic Method than using tissue or wipes. After cleaning with water, apply coconut oil to inhibit infection and wear a loose pyjama for sometime so as to dry the rectal area.

If you can really spend a huge money, build a Japanese Toilet or Indian Squat Toilet. In these toilets when you sit for a bowel movement your body and posture naturally aligns for easy excretion of stools without much pressure in the rectum. If you can't, buy two 6 inch stools from dollar store and place your feet on it when you sit on the regular toilet. This will raise your legs and reduce the pressure. Hope you are getting the picture.

Good Health