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Spinal Cord Cancer: Natural Remedies and Community Discussion

| Modified on Sep 14, 2024
Spinal Cord Cancer Remedies
Posted by Dee K (Manchester, Uk) on 06/26/2014

Hi EC. I am at my wits end my son has been diagnosed with cancer of the spine. I have scrutinized your site for possible cures. I have purchased pure unrefined raw organic extra virgin coconut oil. Natural organic acv, organic turmeric root ground. Deodorized garlic ultra standardized capsules. Organic flakes and clusters coconut, chia, almond.

My son lives abroad and communication is difficult due to the fact he is always tired weak and in constant pain. He has had three courses of chemo four weeks ago. The first was an intensive blast (orally) followed by two week normal strength(orally) he received the parcel Monday 21st June. He started taking the coconut oil orally but has made him very nauseous. He has sent me an email saying he is stopping taking the oil because he thinks it's the oil causing the nausea. Today he has felt less nausea. Please advise on what would be best. We are frantic with worry.. Would medicinal cannabis oil help... He was only diagnosed at the beginning of May and has already been told that a bone marrow transplant is scheduled for December in London. Are we not getting the full picture here? Is our son withholding something? Please please advise us on what we can do and what the prognosis is. Thank you xxxxx

Spinal Cord Cancer Remedies
Posted by Marilyn (Milpitas, Ca) on 08/07/2013

Check out

Baking soda and Molasses recipe (Use 2-3X day)

2 teaspoons baking soda, (I use Arm & Hammer)
1 teaspoon molasses ( I like Blackstrap molasses)
1 cup purified spring water
Warm up on stove, stirring till dissolved. Cool. Drink

Spinal Cord Cancer Remedies
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 08/06/2013 392 posts

Well actually its not the problem of treatment, it is always the problems of supplies. Most western nations tries to limit chemicals access to the people that helps cancer. As a result, I am forced to get less then best chemicals to make them easy to find. The two things that is essential is DMSO and a strong reducing agent added, when this is done most cancer cells is reduced within three days to get visible red uction in cancer. There are elements which further helps, such as aloe vera oil, lugol's and zinc chloride when mixed together. Basically the DMSO, but you need Lugol's iodine and slowly added hydrazine, until the solution is clear. Keep stirring to even out the reaction. Then you prepare 20 cc of DMSO, and 10 cc of the mixture together. Once they are mixed together, add about 20 drops of aloe vera oil and one drop of saturated zinc chloride mixture. The solution is then applied to the spinal area for say three times or four times a day, or if needed, visible reduction should be experience. If you are on morphine try not to use if for the next 24 hours at least, as it tends to cause hallucinations,, and morphine alone kill the immune system. So there are safer pain killers that works better and this is one of them. As usual, try to keep sugar below 90 mg/dL, or at least below 100 mg after meals 2 hours. I don't use the same blood sugar measurements as most people. This is based on my personal research, treating back cancer and spinal column cancer. The cancer is a living organism, and will fight for survival and will run towards the leg. If applied in the back and chest area, as a result you need to ultimately apply to the leg also. Since cancer is anaerobic hyperbaric chamber and hydrogen peroxide will help. Follow my previous general cancer, and lysine is most important followed closely by zinc, of chloride or acetate forms.


Spinal Cord Cancer Remedies
Posted by Jessie (Riverdale, Md) on 08/06/2013

Jo ann, so sorry about your daughter's fiance's grave diagnosis. I have not personally dealt with cancer, but have studied it a lot (to be prepared for the future.) I would recommend you do some reading at:

Also, the book, "Cancer, Step Outside the Box" by Ty Bollinger.

Both resources should be very encouraging and helpful to you to find some treatments that would be more encouraging than the traditional routes. Jessie

Spinal Cord Cancer Remedies
Posted by Jo-ann (Uk) on 08/06/2013

Hello, please can you offer any advice? My daughter's fiance has just been diagnosed with cancer of the spinal cord. He has been told that with treatment he has 12-14 months to live. He's 21 years old. Is there anything at all we can do for him? Anything! Thank you.