Health Benefits

Testicular Cancer Remedies

| Modified on Sep 14, 2024
Testicular Cancer Remedies
Posted by Cody Scholz (Texas) on 12/02/2013

I am 26 years old and have been diagnosed with testicular cancer. They have also discovered a node in my right lung. Please help. I don't know where to start. Thank you.

Testicular Cancer Remedies
Posted by Helpyourself (Texas, Usa) on 12/03/2013

Change diet - no meat, no sodas, no processed food . Veggies and fruit. Lots of garlic and onion and Tabasco. I would spray h2o2 in month while inhaling (if you can't get food grade which, has to be diluted!, use store brand Hydrogen peroxide). Do this about 5x per day. Spray this on your body, too, several times per day at site. Good luck! Also drink 20 drops Tabasco in 4 oz water, daily. Then tapper off.

Testicular Cancer Remedies
Posted by Cody (Texas) on 12/11/2013

Thank you so much for your prayers and information. I went ahead with the surgery last week and the Doctor is now suggesting chemo. I am naturally hesitant to do anything a doctor tells me, because they almost killed me 4 years ago when I got Crohns. I've started juicing and gave up meat. I had already gave up processed foods and sugars 4 years ago because of the Crohns. What worries me about fighting this naturally is that through all my research nobody specifically mentions beating testicular cancer naturally. yet the internet is filled with success stories about beating just about all other types.

Testicular Cancer Remedies
Posted by Happy (Up The Creek In Wv, Usa) on 12/13/2013

Cody; read up on Doctor Hamer from Germany. He also developed testicualr cancer. From the experience, he developed a entirely new form of cancer therapy. He calls it the NEW MEDICINE, and the NEW GERMAN MEDICINE. He discovered that all cancers are psycho-somatic in origin. They all begin in the mind, after a emotional shock of some kind causes physical brain damage. Did you by any chance suffer a emotional shock about 2 to 6 months ago ? Like the loss of a child ?, or similar? The cure rate for the NEW MEDICINE IS said to be about 95%. Do a web search on: GERMAN NEW MEDICINE.

Testicular Cancer Remedies
Posted by Cody (Texas) on 12/13/2013

It's been a busy year no doubt my wife and I had our first child, my grandfather died (of prostate cancer) I've changed jobs and bought a house. But I haven't had anything too traumatic happen. Other than my Grandfather all changes have been for the better. I've maintained The makers Diet for close to 3 years. I feel closer to God and my wife than I ever have before. My job is a lot of hours but I'm excellent at it and fiscally well off. Maybe this year has been to good lol and I needed to be dropped down a peg.

Testicular Cancer Remedies
Posted by Tom (Uk) on 02/11/2014

1. Lose the fear.

2. Yes of course go alkaline and vegan ( proves these) but much more importantly go Ketogenic:

Yes it's a one hour interview on the Ketogenic Diet but watch it all the way through and TAKE NOTES - I cant over estimate how important this info is.

3. Graviola and N-Tense by Raintree Formulas (used to be made by Raintree Nutrition)

I was diagnosed with testicular cancer 4 years ago. No operation no fear and doing fine. I don't recommend the above unless you go all the way and study them properly and stick to it.