Dietary Suggestions
Dietary Suggestions
Dietary Suggestions
- "NO fruit or fruit juices.
- NO sweet drinks or sodas.
- NO sugar or artificial sugars or sweeteners.
- NO corn syrup or fructose.
- NO carbonated water.
- Plain water is always ok.
- NO vegetable oils except coconut oil used in cooking.
- NO fried foods.
- NO calcium.
- NO large meals consisting largely of meats"
Dietary Suggestions
Dietary Suggestions
Take chlorella and spirulina (I have the powdered kind in chlorophyl liquid)
Drink wheatgrass juice or take the powder (the juice contains laetrile which is anti cancer).
You could live on the above for a long time and get all your nutrients while you are detoxing your body.
Read the book "Excitotoxins, the Taste that kills" or watch the following video. Processed foods mostly have MSG in them and even some crops are being sprayed with MSG. MSG will cause cancer to ravage your body if it is in the right circumstances. It was written by a neurosurgeon.
Dietary Suggestions
Dietary Suggestions
The Very Best Foods ( Juiced or raw vegetables would provide the best nutrient value.)
Vegetables: Avocado, beets, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chicory, chives, collard greens, cucumbers, dandelion, endive, fennel, garlic, kale, leeks, lettuce, sea lettuce, mustard greens, nettles, okra, onions, parsley, parsnips, radishes, spinach, squash, tomatoes, turnips, and watercress.
Fruits: Apples, apricots, avocado, bananas, berries, cantaloupe, cherries, cranberries, currants, dates, figs, grapefruit, grapes (seeded), lemons, limes, mangos, melons, nectarines, olives, oranges, papayas, peaches, pears, persimmons, pineapples, plums, pomegranate, and quinces.
Seeds and Nuts: Almonds, beechnuts, black walnuts, butternuts, coconuts, english walnuts, filberts, pecans, pignolias (pine nuts), and pumpkin seeds.It is BEST to take nothing into the body that has been cooked or processed:
Avoid sugar, beer, sodas, ice cream, fried foods, table salt ( sea salt - okay ). The diet should focus on fruit ( fresh pineapples ), vegetables and high pH spring or mineral water. Drink plenty of room temperature spring or mineral water.
To be safe, we recommend less fruit, more vegetables, and no refined sugars in the diet of cancer patients. To restore health, the diet should consist of 80% alkaline forming foods and 20% acid forming foods. A list of Acid / Alkaline Forming Foods.
NOTE: organic pineapple and papaya contain a pancreatic enzyme that helps breaks down the protein wall around a cancer cell.